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Energy Modelling and Automation

Energy Modelling and Automation

Calculation models, software development, control theory and artificial intelligence

The research group works with modeling physical processes, software development, control technology, and artificial intelligence. The expertise is used to develop automated and autonomous real-time systems where interoperability and standardization play important roles.

In 2021 autonomous drilling was successfully demonstrated for the very first time on a full-scale drilling rig.

With over 30 years of experience, our research is leading in the field of calculating processes in the underground and especially for flow in and around wells. Results from our research have led to significant reductions in CO2 emissions from the petroleum sector.

Now we also use our expertise to solve challenges within the green shift and especially in areas such as energy systems and hydrogen. Green shipping and innovative ideas are central elements in our projects.

We host:

  • SFI DigiWells – center for research-based innovation
  • FME HyValue – research center for environmentally friendly energy
  • OpenLab – infrastructure on the national road map

Please get in touch if you like to collaborate with us!

Helga Gjeraldstveit

Energy Modelling and Automation Research Director Energy Modelling and Automation - Bergen

+47 51 87 56 18
+47 976 56 071

Autonomous drilling system

In 2021, researchers from NORCE were the first in the world to demonstrate autonomous drilling. The autonomous drilling system is tested both in a virtual environment in OpenLab and at a full-scale test rig, Ullrigg.

The adaptive solution balances on one side performance and level of risks, and on the other side, balances the necessity for additional operations with the availability of measurements. It features its own protection mechanisms and management of the smooth transition from autonomous to manual drilling in case of failures, for safe operational use.

See the video from the demonstration:

Meet the Team

Adrian Ambrus

Senior Researcher - Stavanger
+47 51 87 50 87

Amare Leulseged

Senior Researcher - Stavanger
+47 51 87 50 85

Benoit Daireaux

Chief Scientist - Oslo
+47 51 87 56 73
+47 957 87 884

Eric Cayeux

Chief Scientist - Stavanger
+47 51 87 50 07
+47 475 01 787

Erik Wolden Dvergsnes

Senior Researcher - Kristiansand
+47 51 87 56 90
+47 944 36 903

Fionn Iversen

Chief Scientist - Bergen
+47 51 87 56 22
+47 416 69 423

Gilles Pelfrene

Senior Researcher - Stavanger
+47 51 87 50 08

Hanieh Foroushan

Senior Researcher - Bergen
+47 56 10 71 20

Henrik Anfinsen

Senior Researcher - Oslo

Håkon Eidsvåg

Researcher - Haugesund
+47 56 10 71 23

Jan Einar Gravdal

Chief Scientist - Bergen
+47 51 87 56 19

Liang Zhang

Post Doc - Bergen
+47 56 10 71 11

Lucas Volpi

Researcher - Stavanger

Md Hujjatul Islam

Researcher - Bergen
+47 56 10 71 03

Nazanin Jahani

Senior Researcher - Bergen
+47 51 87 50 89

Rodica G. Mihai

Senior Researcher - Bergen
+47 51 87 56 27

Robert Ewald

Senior Researcher - Stavanger
+47 51 87 51 11

Sergey Alyaev

Senior Researcher - Bergen
+47 51 87 56 10

Sonja Moi

Senior Researcher - Stavanger
+47 51 87 51 16
+47 481 70 303

Steen Agerlin Petersen

Special Adviser - Bergen

Ulf Jakob Flø Aarsnes

Senior Researcher - Oslo
+47 51 87 56 71

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