I hold a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering, specializing in the interaction of fluid mechanics and rock mechanics. Awarded by NTNU in Trondheim in 2015, my doctoral research delved into coupling these disciplines to simulate rock behavior during flow injection for recovery processes. I also hold two Master's degrees in Mechanical Engineering and Software Engineering.
From 2010 to 2017, I was a senior engineer at Petrell AS in Trondheim, where I contributed to the development of a near-wellbore simulator. I joined IRIS in Stavanger as a research scientist in 2017 and continued with NORCE in Bergen from 2018. In 2021, I was awarded a Fulbright grant and had a research visit at the formation evaluation research group at the University of Texas at Austin. Since 2022, I have held the position of Senior Researcher. Currently, I lead the 3D GiG project: 3D geological interpretation for geosteering of wells, funded by the Research Council of Norway. In this project, I am focused on 3D forward numerical modeling and stochastic inversion of deep sensing borehole electromagnetic measurements.
My expertise spans mathematical modeling, geophysics, formation evaluation, fluid and solid mechanics, software development, and the modeling of fuel cells and electrolyzers.