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Sergey Alyaev

Senior Researcher

+47 51 87 56 10
Nygårdsgaten 112, 5008 Bergen, Norway

I am a senior researcher in applied mathematics with diverse interests. I equally like modeling the world around us, improving model predictions with data, estimating uncertainties, and optimizing decisions. With the help of machine learning, I develop predictive workflows that work fast enough for real-time applications, including subsurface drilling and geosteering (continuous adjustment of drilling trajectory).

I hold MSc and PhD degrees in applied mathematics from the University of Bergen. Since 2013, I have worked as a researcher at IRIS, which later merged into NORCE.

In 2018, I took a project leader role in “Geosteering for Improved Oil Recovery.” Building on the project results and the consortium, I have helped coordinate NORCE’s research initiatives for different aspects of geosteering. Starting in 2019, we host biennial Geosteering Workshops with the Norwegian Formation Evaluation Society (NFES) that bring together international industry and academia to solve geosteering challenges relevant to the North Sea. In 2023, we started two knowledge-building projects in collaboration with four universities supported by the Research Council of Norway and six industrial partners now aggregated at https://geosteering.no/.

I hold several research leadership roles:

  • A work package leader and a co-adviser of three PhDs in the DigiWells center (2020 - 2028), which develops new knowledge to help drill and position wells optimally;
  • The principal investigator of the “DISTINGUISH” project (2023-2027), which researches neural networks that can learn and generate realistic realizations of geological models, unlocking next-generation workflows for decision support.’


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