Rune Storvold
Avdelingsleder Observasjonssystemer
+47 934 16 169
Forskningsparken Tromsø, Sykehusvn 23, 9019 Tromsø
Energi og teknologi
Mer info om Rune
Last ned pressebildeKilde: NORCE / Stian Skjerping
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkelDeveloping the Svalbard Integrated Arctic Earth Observing System (SIOS)– Earth System Dynamics (ESD) 2024
Vitenskapelig artikkelThe Troll Observing Network (TONe): plugging observation holes in Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica– Polar Research 2024
FagartikkelTroll observing network – for useful new data about Antarctica– Fram Forum 2023
Faglig kapittelPractical Guidelines for Scientific Application of Uncrewed Aerial Vehicles in Svalbard– 2023
Faglig kapittelUpdate to Scientific Applications of Unmanned Vehicles in Svalbard– 2022
Faglig kapittelScientific Applications of Unmanned Vehicles in Svalbard– 2021
Vitenskapelig artikkelSIOS’s Earth Observation (EO), Remote Sensing (RS), and operational activities in response to COVID-19– Remote Sensing 2021
Vitenskapelig artikkelLong-range path planning using an aircraft performance model for battery-powered sUAS equipped with icing protection system– IEEE Journal on Miniaturization for Air and Space Systems (J-MASS) 2020
ForskningsrapportKompetansesenter for luftfartbaserte tjenester (KSLT) - Sluttrapport– NORCE Norwegian Research Centre 2020
Vitenskapelig kapittelSafety and security of drones in the oil and gas industry– 2020
Vitenskapelig artikkelLong range path planning using an aircraft performance model for battery powered sUAS equipped with icing protection system– IEEE Journal on Miniaturization for Air and Space Systems (J-MASS) 2020
ForskningsrapportBruk av droner i nordområdene– Petroleumstilsynet 2019
Vitenskapelig artikkelAutonomous unmanned aerial vehicles in search and rescue missions using real-time cooperative model predictive control– Sensors 2019
Populærvitenskapelig artikkelBruk av drone i reindrifta– Reindriftsnytt : Boazodoallu-Oddasat 2019
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkelA review of unmanned vehicles for the detection and monitoring of marine fauna– Marine Pollution Bulletin 2019
KonferanseforedragInclusion of Horizontal Wind Maps in Path Planning Optimization of UAS– ICUAS 2018 2018
Vitenskapelig kapittelPath Planning of Multi-UAS Communication Relay by Decentralized MPC– 2018
KonferanseforedragPath Planning of Multi-UAS Communication Relay by Decentralized MPC– 2018 OCEANS - MTS/IEEE Kobe Techno-Oceans (OTO) 2018
KonferanseforedragAdaptive path planning for unmanned aircrafts using inflight wind velocity estimation– International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems 2018
Vitenskapelig artikkelObject Classification in Thermal Images using Convolutional Neural Networks for Search and Rescue Missions with Unmanned Aerial Systems– Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks 2018
KonferanseforedragObject Classification in Thermal Images using Convolutional Neural Networks for Search and Rescue Missions with Unmanned Aerial Systems– International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), Rio de Janeiro 2018
KonferanseforedragDrone-mounted UWB radar system for measuring snowpack properties: Technical implementation, specifications and initial results– International Snow Science Workshop 2018
ForskningsrapportDeliverable 2.1 Report on present observing capacities and gaps: ocean and sea ice observing system– Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center 2018
Vitenskapelig artikkelDo it yourself hyperspectral imager for handheld to airborne operations– Optics Express 2018
ForskningsrapportUAV-BORNE UWB RADAR FOR SNOWPACK SURVEYS. (8/2018)– Norut 2018
Vitenskapelig kapittelMission performance trade-offs of battery-powered sUAS– 2017
KonferanseforedragMission Performance Trade-offs of Battery-powered sUAS– Int. Conf. Unmanned Aircraft Systems 2017
Vitenskapelig kapittelAutonomous UAV surveillance of a ship's path with MPC for maritime situational awareness– 2017
Vitenskapelig kapittelContingency Path Planning for Hybrid-electric UAS– 2017
Vitenskapelig artikkelUnmanned aerial system nadir reflectance and MODIS nadir BRDF-adjusted surface reflectances intercompared over Greenland– The Cryosphere 2017
KonferanseforedragUAV for monitoring Antarctic ecosystems– 36th EARSeL Symposium 2016
KonferanseforedragVegetation mapping on King George Island using Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS)– SCAR Open Science Conference 2016
KonferanseforedragChanging Antarctica – new possibilities of observations with UAV– Impact of climate change and pollution on vegetation distribution and condition in the temperate, boreal, alpine and polar zones 2016
KonferanseforedragVegetation mapping using Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) on King George Island, Maritime Antarctic– Impact of climate change and pollution on vegetation distribution and condition in the temperate, boreal, alpine and polar zones 2016
KonferanseforedragRapid regional changes in maritime Antarctic ecosystem – MONICA project - goals, results and conclusions– Impact of climate change and pollution on vegetation distribution and condition in the temperate, boreal, alpine and polar zones 2016
ForskningsrapportDroner i utmarksbaserte næringer. (8/2016)– Norut 2016
Vitenskapelig artikkelPreliminary study on nesting Adélie penguins disturbance by unmanned aerial vehicles.– CCAMLR Science 2016
Vitenskapelig artikkelSimulation of sentinel-2A red edge bands with RPAS based multispectral data– ESA SP 2016
Vitenskapelig artikkelBoreal forest land covermapping in Iceland and Finland using Sentinel-1A– ESA SP 2016
Vitenskapelig artikkelE-GEM-European GNSS-R environmental monitoring– ESA SP 2016
Vitenskapelig artikkelQuad-polarimetric SAR for detection and characterization of icebergs– ESA SP 2016
Populærvitenskapelig artikkelBruk av ubemannete fly (UAS) i miljøovervåking på Svalbard– Ottar 2016
Vitenskapelig artikkelIndicator Species Population Monitoring in Antarctica with UAV– International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences 2015
ForskningsrapportArctic Science Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS) Operator’s Handbook– AMAP 2015
Vitenskapelig artikkelEnabling intelligent Copernicus services for carbon and water balance modeling of boreal forest ecosystems — NorthState– IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium proceedings 2015
KonferanseforedragRESEM – REmote SEnsing supporting surveillance and operation of Mines– Challenges in Geological Remote Sensing 2015
ForskningsrapportSARINOR WP 3 "SØK". (Norut rapport 11/2015)– Norut 2015
Vitenskapelig kapittelMonitoring human and climate change‐induced plant stress in the Nordic Arctic Region and Svalbard using remote sensing and field surveys– 2015
KonferanseforedragUAV for monitoring of indicator species on Antarctic protected areas– 34th Symposium of the European-Association-of Remote-Sensing-Laboratories (EARSeL) 2014
KonferanseforedragRemote sensing techniques for monitoring the King George Island– 35th Polar Symposium: Diversity and state of polar ecosystems 2014
KonferanseforedragRemotely piloted Aircraft Systems.Future Role in Arctic Safety and Civil Security.– Transatlantic Science Week 2014 2014
KonferanseforedragAMAP Arctic Agreement Whitepaper on UAS airspace access in the Arctic– Arctic Council Emergency Prevention, Preparedness and Response (EPPR) Use of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) in the Arctic Workshop 2014
ForskningsrapportDroner i Arktis– Teknologirådet 2014
KonferanseforedragSeFaS - Monitoring avalanches in Norway using SAR and UAV borne sensors– EARSEL Workshop on Land, Ice and Snow 2014
KonferanseforedragMonitoring man- and climate change‐induced plant stress in the Nordic Arctic Region and Svalbard using remote sensing and field surveys– Assessing vulnerability of flora and fauna in polar areas 2014
KonferanseforedragUse of UAS in vegetation monitoring– ArcticBiomass - Workshop 2014
Vitenskapelig artikkelUse of unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) in a multi-scale vegetation index study of arctic plant communities in Adventdalen on Svalbard– EARSeL eProceedings 2014
KonferanseforedragAttitude and Atmospheric Corrections of UAS Based Hyper Spectral Remote Sensing Reflectance Measurements– ISARRA 2014 2014
KonferanseforedragUnmanned Aircraft for SAR in the Arctic: Opportunities and Challenges– Arctic Frontiers 2014 2014
Vitenskapelig artikkelHigh-performance Visualization of UAV Sensor and Image Data with Raster Maps and Topography in 3D– International Journal of Image and Data Fusion 2014
Vitenskapelig kapittelValidation and complementing of SAR satellite surveys over Arctic Sea ice by multiple simultaneous sets of measurments– 2013
KonferanseforedragMeasuring Ny-Ålesund glaciers using remotely piloted aircrafts– Ny-Ålesund Seminar 2013 2013
KonferanseforedragDetecting and Monitoring of Oil In Ice– Oil in ice - to disperse or not to disperse Workshop 2013
KonferanseforedragHigh-performance fusion of UAS sensor and image data with raster maps and topography in 3D– Unmanned Aerial Vehicle in Geomatics - UAV-g 2013 2013
KonferanseforedragMapping Svalbard glaciers with the CryoWing UAS– Unmanned Aerial Vehicle in Geomatics - UAV-g 2013 2013
KonferanseforedragRealtime 3D visualization of UAV missions– First Conference of the International Society for Atmospheric Research using Remotely-piloted Aircraft 2013
KonferanseforedragThe Cryowing unmanned aerial system for scientific measurements– First Conference of the International Society for Atmospheric Research using Remotely-piloted Aircraft 2013
FagartikkelArctic Council, Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Program UAS Expert Group– RPAS Global Perspective 2013
KonferanseforedragSea-ice research using remotely piloted aircraft systems– Norway-China Research collaboration in, snow, and climate 2013
FagartikkelUse of Unmanned Aircraft for Scientific Data Collection in the Arctic– The Arctic Herald Information & Analytical Journal 2013
KonferanseforedragBarents Solution 2012: Use of RPAS for Oil Spill Monitoring– Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems Civil Operations 2012
ForskningsrapportEnabling Science use of Unmanned Aircraft Systems for Arctic Environmental Monitoring– Arctic Monitoring and Asessment Program (AMAP) 2012
KonferanseforedragAn Experimental Study on Oil Spill Characterization by Multi-Polarization SAR– Nordic Remote Sensing Days 2011 2011
Vitenskapelig artikkelMulti-sensor/multi-temporal approaches for snow cover area monitoring– Ukjent 2006
Vitenskapelig artikkelMulti-sensor monitoring of snow parameters in Nordic mountainous areas– Ukjent 2005
Vitenskapelig artikkelMulti-sensor/multi-temporal approaches for snow cover area monitoring– Ukjent 2005
KonferanseforedragSatellite based snow monitoring for hydropower production and trade in Norway - – results versus operational needs– 31st International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment (31 ISRSE). Proceedings. St. Petersbur 2005
KonferanseforedragSatellite based near real-time multi-temporal and multi-sensor retrieval of snow parameters in mountainus areas– Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 6, 06146, 2004 and European Geosciences Union Meeting, Nice, Fr 2004
Vitenskapelig artikkelMulti-sensor/multi-temporal analysis of ENVISAT data for snow monitoring– Ukjent 2004
Vitenskapelig kapittelMulti-sensor and time-series approaches for monitoring of snow parameters– 2004