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Rune Schlanbusch


+47 909 66 133
Jon Lilletuns vei 9 H, 3. et, 4879 Grimstad

Rune Schlanbusch works as deputy research director at NORCE Norwegian Research Center, Norway, within the group of Smart Instrumentation and Industrial Testing, and as CTO of the start-up company Machine Prognostics, Norway. Rune received his MSc within Space Technology at University of Tromsø (UiT), Norway and PhD within Engineering Cybernetics at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Norway. His research interests include control design and stability analysis of unmanned aerial systems including aircraft and spacecraft, and condition monitoring of machinery. Rune is currently leading the group of research and innovation within UAS Norway, the Norwegian national RPAS organization. He has (co)authored more than 50 research papers on topics related to control, condition monitoring and multi-physics modeling.

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