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Jeremy Cook


+47 908 75 828
Nygårdsgaten 112, 5008 Bergen, Norway

I am project developer and senior researcher at NORCE Technology with a background in all things related to data science. I began working at Christian Michelsen Institute in 1985 to work on visualization and other computing projects whilst finishing my PhD, later I moved to UNIFOB / UNI Research working on several projects mailnly related to High Performance Computing. I joined Christian Michelsen Research in 2013 as senior project developer and continue with that role with NORCE, after the merger of several large Norwegian research institutes. I have also had several positions relating to software development and research at both small and large companies in the US and Norway.

I am currently focused on data analysis and multivariate visualization and have several ongoing activities streaming and visualizing real-time remote sensor data.

I follow developments in home automation and have deployed a home grown automation system for controlling heating and reducing energy use at home.

I am also a qualified drone pilot and carry out flights where necessary for the projects that I am working on.

Jeremy Cook


Energi og teknologi


Big Data
Digitale systemer
Kunstig intelligens


Digitale systemer

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