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The National IOR Centre of Norway

The National IOR Centre of Norway

The National IOR Centre of Norway aims to contribute to the implementation of cost-efficient and environmentally friendly technologies to improve the oil recovery on the Norwegian Continental Shelf. The Centre's research has the potential to improve profitability of IOR measures across several dimensions. Our researchers are developing new reservoir-stimulating techniques that are both more efficient, cheaper and more environmentally friendly. We are thus developing methods that can significantly improve the sweeping of the reservoir and increase the oil recovery from the Norwegian Continental Shelf.

The IOR Centre provides solutions for improved oil recovery on the Norwegian Continental Shelf through academic excellence and close cooperation with the industry. To make sure our projects are relevant to our industry partners we offer topic-specific workshops for the partners to attend. By doing so, we are identifying the gaps in the current state-of-the art knowledge of the topic. At the same time, academic researchers are presented with industry challenges, and the industry is presented with the recent research going on at the universities and research institutions. Future focus of the Centre can then be identified based on the feedback from the user partners and participants.

This fall Lundin gave an internal workshop only for the researchers at UiS, NORCE and IFE. The topic of the workshop was the Edvard Grieg data that Lundin have made available for the researchers at the IOR-Centre. By offering the data to the Centre, Lundin encourages the researchers in the Centre to initiate projects that can generate new knowledge and improved IOR-methods, which can improve the oil recovery from the Edvard Grieg field.

One of the strengths of the Centre is that we approach improved recovery on a multiscale level. The following are some research highlights from the Centre at the various levels:

We have come far in developing new tracer technology for in-situ determination of residual oil saturation (SOR) and for better description of flow fields. We are currently investigating phase-partitioning inter-well tracers, nano-particles for inter-well studies and new esters for near-well experiments. We have tested the new inter-well tracers extensively at the lab and several are now qualified to move on for large scale testing.

IORSim and IORCoreSim are good examples of outstanding research at the Centre. IORCoreSim is used by the industry partners and fills a very important need of interpreting core scale experiments to extract valuable information and to improve our understanding of IOR recovery mechanisms. IORSim ensures that we can study the IOR methods developed in the Centre in realistic field scale models. The IOR models in IORSim are custom-made, and we make sure that the models are consistent with the lab-calibrated models in IORCoreSim. Thus, IORSim serves as a bridge between the lab models and the field models, allowing for fast implementation of the Centre’s research in the industry reservoir models. This is important because the ultimate proof of an IOR method studied at the lab is that it gives additional recovery (or economic value) at the field scale.

The Centre is also an important contributor to the Open Porous Media Initiative. Open source is a priority in The National IOR Centre of Norway.

Project facts


The National IOR Centre of Norway




01.12.13 - 30.11.21

Total budget

80.000.000 NOK

Project website


Research group

Research Topics


Research Council of Norway (RCN)

Project members

Zhixin Yu
Yuqing Chang
Yasar Deniz Cam
Kjersti Riiber
William Chalub Cruz
Nestor Fernando Cardozo Diaz
Nisar Ahmed
Wiktor Waldemar Weibull
Vidar Folke Hansen
Udo Zimmermann
Tuhin Bhakta
Torleiv Bilstad
Svein Magne Skjæveland
Tor Bjørnstad
Tine Vigdel Bredal
Tina Puntervold
Tijana Voake
Terje Sira
Steinar Sanni
Steinar Groland
Steinar Evje
Skule Strand
Siv Marie Åsen
Sissel Opsahl Viig
Shaghayegh Javadi
Rune Wiggo Time
Roger Flage
Robert Klöfkorn
Roar Skartlien
Roald Kommedal
Remya Ravindran Nair
Merete Vadla Madland
Remus Gabriel Hanea
Reidar Inge Korsnes
Reidar Brumer Bratvold
Pål Østebø Andersen
Petter Osmundsen
Per Amund Amundsen
Paul Georg Papatzacos
Ove Sævareid
Ola Ketil Siqveland
Oddbjørn Mathias Nødland
Nils Harald Giske
Morten Jakobsen
Mona Wetrhus Minde
Mohan Sharma
Micol Pezzotta
Micheal Babatunde Oguntola
Juan Michael Uy Villanueva Sargado
Mette Skretting
Mehul Arun Vora
Mario Helder Lopes Da Silva
Mahmoud Ould Metidji
Laura Ferrando Climent
Kim Andre Nesse Vorland
Karen Synnøve Ohm
Jaspreet Singh Sachdeva
Jarle Haukås
Jan Sagen
Jan Nossen
Jan Øystein Haavig Bakke
Ivan Dario Pinerez Torrijos
Irene Ringen
Iren Lobekk
Ida Lykke Fabricius
Hilde Carlsen Jonsbråten
Eystein Opsahl
Emanuela Iedidia Kallesten
Edvard Omdal
Dimitri Shogin
Dhruvit Satishchandra Berawala
Dagfinn Søndenaa Sleveland
Christian Jarle Dye
Børre Antonsen
Bjarte Hetland
Arun Kumar Panneer Selvam
Arnold P. Goonewardene
Arne Graue
Arild Buland
Aojie Hong
Anna Kvashchuk
Anja Røyne
Andre Luis Morosov
Anders Malthe-Sørenssen
Alexander Rozhko
Alexander Krivokapic
Aleksandr Mamonov