Monika Geretsegger
Forsker II
+47 56 10 72 30
+47 469 28 297
Nina Griegs gt. 4, 5015 Bergen, Norway
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Barns psykiske helse
Mer info om Monika
Vitenskapelig artikkelMemory for Music (M4M) protocol for an international randomized controlled trial: Effects of individual intensive musical training based on singing in non-musicians with Alzheimer’s disease– medRxiv 2024
KonferanseforedragImproving music therapy research through user perspectives– XXIII Encontro Nacional de pesquisa em musicoterapia [XXIII National Music Therapy Research Meeting] 2023
KonferanseforedragSpotlight Session "The future of research in music therapy: Topics and methodologies": User perspectives and how they can become effective– 17th World Congress of Music Therapy 2023
Vitenskapelig artikkelDemographic and clinical profile of residents living with dementia and depressive symptoms in Australian private residential aged care: Data from the Music Interventions for Dementia and Depression in ELderly care (MIDDEL) cluster-randomised controlled trial– Australasian Journal on Ageing 2022
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkelMusic therapy for autistic people– Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2022
Vitenskapelig artikkelRhythmic Relating: Bidirectional Support for Social Timing in Autism Therapies– Frontiers in Psychology 2022
Vitenskapelig artikkelClinical effectiveness of music interventions for dementia and depression in elderly care (MIDDEL): Australian cohort of an international pragmatic cluster-randomised controlled trial– The Lancet Healthy Longevity 2022
KonferanseforedragMusic Interventions for Dementia and Depression in Elderly care (MIDDEL): The Australian part of an international cluster randomised controlled trial– Alzheimer’s Association International Conference 2021
KonferanseforedragEffectiveness of music therapy in autism– Music Care Conference - The Power of Music: Innovations in Care 2021
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkelEffectiveness of music therapy for autism spectrum disorder, dementia, depression, insomnia and schizophrenia: update of systematic reviews– European Journal of Public Health 2021
KonferanseforedragThe voices of people with dementia and their carers: A strategy for public participation and involvement in a multinational psychosocial intervention trial– Second Krems Dementia Conference “Dealing with Dementia: Prevention, timely detection and awareness” – Coordinated efforts between East and West 2020
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkelThe Capability Approach in research about children and childhood: A scoping review.– Child Indicators Research 2020
Vitenskapelig artikkelDeveloping consensus description of group music therapy characteristics for persons with dementia– Nordic journal of music therapy 2020
KonferanseforedragA scoping review of the Capability Approach: Application to the field of children’s mental health research– It Takes a Village 2019 2019
Vitenskapelig artikkelEnhancing the efficacy of integrative improvisational music therapy in the treatment of depression: Study protocol for a randomised controlled trial– Trials 2019
Vitenskapelig artikkelMusic Interventions for Dementia and Depression in ELderly care (MIDDEL): Protocol and statistical analysis plan for a multinational cluster-randomised trial– BMJ Open 2019
Vitenskapelig artikkelTreatment fidelity in a music therapy multi-site cluster randomized controlled trial for people living with dementia: The MIDDEL project intervention fidelity protocol– The Journal of music therapy 2019
Vitenskapelig artikkelMusic therapy and other music-based interventions in pediatric health care: An overview– Medicines 2019
Faglig kapittelPerspectives on research and clinical practice in music therapy for older people with depression– 2018
Faglig kapittelFor what it's worth...: Determining the value of music therapy - An example from Austria– 2017
KonferanseforedragFacilitating moments of musical and emotional attunement in improvisational music therapy with children on the autism spectrum– 5th “Mozart & Science” International Conference on Music for Medicine and Therapy 2017
Vitenskapelig artikkelInternational multicentre randomised controlled trial of improvisational music therapy for children with autism spectrum disorder: TIME-A study– Health Technology Assessment 2017
Vitenskapelig artikkelTracing the temporal stability of autism spectrum diagnosis and severity as measured by the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule: A systematic review and meta-analysis– PLOS ONE 2017
Vitenskapelig artikkelEffects of improvisational music therapy vs enhanced standard care on symptom severity among children with autism spectrum disorder: The TIME-A randomized clinical trial– Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) 2017
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkelMusic therapy for people with schizophrenia and schizophrenia-like disorders– Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2017
KonferanseforedragIs improvisational music therapy an effective intervention for children with autism spectrum disorder? Findings from the multi-site randomised controlled TIME-A trial– 4th Norwegian Music Therapy Conference 2016
Vitenskapelig artikkelFeasibility of a trial on improvisational music therapy for children with autism spectrum disorder– The Journal of music therapy 2016
KonferanseforedragImprovisational music therapy and autism– Ringvorlesung Musiktherapie 2015
Vitenskapelig artikkelCommon characteristics of improvisational approaches in music therapy for children with autism spectrum disorder: Developing treatment guidelines– The Journal of music therapy 2015