Tord Skogedal Lindén has a PhD in political science from the Department of Comparative Politics at the University of Bergen in 2009. His research interests cover comparative social policy, international organizations, public sector reforms and management, pensions, ageing policy, civil society and voluntary sector, and immigration. Lindén´s doctoral thesis studied the interplay of the national and international level in the development of social policy informed by institutional and ideational perspectives.
Tord Skogedal Lindén
SVP Sustainability and Renewal
+47 56 10 76 21
Nygårdsgaten 112, 5008 Bergen, Norway
Health & Social Sciences
Research themes
Democracy, Civil Society and Participation
More information about Tord
Conference lectureKommunal politikk: Politikk og praksis for frivillig innsats innen helse og omsorg– Frivilligheten i en utfordrende tid 2025
Conference lectureImplementing Coproduction policy in drug addiction and elderly care - When national policy meets local field properties– XX Nordic Political Science Congress 2024
Research reportEldre og frivillig innsats– Senter for forskning på sivilsamfunn og frivillig sektor 2024
Conference lectureCivil society in Norwegian welfare – the roles and potentials of professional non-profits and voluntary organization– Conference on Civil Society Studies 2024
Conference lectureImplementing Coproduction policy in drug addiction and elderly care - When national policy meets local field properties– Conference on Civil Society Studies 2024
Conference lectureImplementing Coproduction policy in drug addiction and elderly care - When national policy meets local field properties– Fagsamling for forskningsgruppene KMB og Omstilling i offentlig sektor 2024
Academic articleUser perspectives on the role of local services in promoting labor market participation of people with chronic illnesses– Disability & Society 2024
Research reportFrivillig innsats i norsk eldreomsorg – politikk og praksis– Senter for forskning på sivilsamfunn og frivillig sektor 2024
Conference lectureHow to co-produce elderly care? Volunteer coordination by municipalities or voluntary organizations?– Fagsamling NORCE 2023
Conference lectureCivil society in Norwegian welfare – the roles and potentials of professional non-profits and voluntary organization– NEON konferansen 2023
Conference lectureWhy do we need it? Coproduction according to local actors in Norway– NEON conference Organizing in changing landscapes: Threats, challenges, and novel opportunities? 2023
Academic articleThird-Sector Organizations in Area-Based Initiatives: Instruments for Public Policies or Partners in Co-Production?– VOLUNTAS - International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations 2023
Conference lectureCoproduction according to local actors: What is it and why do we need it?– CoPro project workshop 2023
Academic articleBPA-ordningen: en analyse av klager til Statsforvalteren før og etter rettighetsfesting– Tidsskrift for velferdsforskning 2023
Research reportFrivillige aktørers roller i områdesatsinger: En empirisk studie av områdesatsinger i Norge– Senter for forskning på sivilsamfunn og frivillig sektor 2023
Conference lectureHow to co-produce elderly care? Volunteer coordination by municipalities or voluntary organizations?– 10th open meeting of IIAS study group on ‘Coproduction of Public Services’ 2023
Conference lectureHow to co-produce elderly care? Volunteer coordination by municipalities or voluntary organizations?– CoPro project workshop 2023
Academic articleHvorfor trenger vi en ny infrastruktur for norsk forvaltningsforskning?– Norsk Statsvitenskapelig Tidsskrift 2022
Academic articleHealth services in Nordic welfare states: Introducing a new category of providers through the Norwegian free treatment choice reform– Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs (NAD) 2022
Conference lectureCo-producing Urban Regeneration: the case of area-based initiatives and third sector organizations in Norway– ISTR 15th International Conference. Navigating In Turbulent Times: Perspectives and Contributions from the Third Sector 2022
Conference lectureThird sector organizations in urban regeneration programs: instruments for public policies or active coproductive partners?– Nasjonal fagkonferanse i statsvitenskap 2022
Academic literature reviewPromoting labour market inclusion of the chronically ill: a scoping review of Scandinavian countries’ efforts– Scandinavian Journal of Public Health 2022
Research reportEvaluering av fritt behandlingsvalg– Universitetet i Oslo 2021
Academic chapterThe Attitude of the population towards the Involvement of Volunteers in Elderly Care: Results from a survey experiment– 2021
Professional articleBetinget støtte til flere frivillige– Stat og styring 2021
Research reportSuksess eller katastrofe? Utviklingstrekk etter rettighetsfesting av brukerstyrt personlig assistanse (BPA)– NORCE Norwegian Research Centre 2020
Conference lecturePåvirker begrunnelser for involvering av ubetalte frivillige i lokal eldreomsorg befolkningens holdninger til slik involvering? Et surveyeksperiment– Avdelingsseminar NORCE Samfunn 2020
Academic articleConsequences of prioritisation within long-term care in Denmark, England and Norway: towards increasing inequalities and poorer quality of care?– International Journal of Care and Caring 2020
Academic articleJustifying pension reforms: Comparing policy discourses in Norway and the UK– European Journal of Social Security (EJSS) 2020
Academic articleThe population’s attitudes towards increasing the use of unpaid volunteers in elderly care: Results from a survey experiment– Tidsskrift for omsorgsforskning 2020
Academic articleDigital health transformation of integrated care in Europe: Overarching analysis of 17 integrated care programs– Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR) 2019
Conference lecturePåvirker begrunnelser for involvering av ubetalte frivillige i lokal eldreomsorg befolkningens holdninger til slik involvering? Et surveyeksperiment– Forskerkonference om samspillet mellom den frivillige og den offentlige sektor 2019
Academic chapterChanging normative principles of social justice in the Norwegian pension system– 2019
Research reportSamarbeid mellom offentlig, privat og frivillig sektor i gjennomføringen av introduksjonsprogrammet– NORCE Norwegian Research Centre 2019
Conference lectureTrends and dilemmas of prioritization within Long Term Care (LTC) in Denmark, England and Norway: Towards increasing inequalities?– 16th. ESPAnet conference on “Transformation of European welfare systems: challenges, problems and future prospects” 2018
Academic chapterVelferdspolitikk i EU og dens konsekvenser for Norge– 2018
Academic chapterNorge - et annerledesland?– 2018
Conference lectureUnderstanding pension politics: Comparing pension reform discourses in Norway and the UK– Nasjonal fagkonferanse i statsvitenskap 2018
Academic articlePension System Sustainability in Norway and the UK. Reforms and Normative Dilemmas– Norsk sosiologisk tidsskrift 2018
Research reportSamhandling mellom kommunen og frivillig sektor i eldreomsorgen– Senter for forskning på sivilsamfunn og frivillig sektor 2017
Research reportRETTIGHETSFESTING AV BPA – store forventninger, betinget suksess. Sammendrag– Uni Research Rokkansenteret 2017
Research reportRettighetsfesting av BPA - store forventinger, betinget suksess– Uni Research Rokkansenteret 2017
Conference lectureLTC in Europe – characteristics, trends and ideas– Stabsseminar 2017
Popular scientific articleTjenestedemokratiet– Stat og styring 2017
Academic chapterDoes the Type of Service Provider Affect User Satisfaction? Public, For-Profit and Nonprofit Kindergartens, Schools and Nursing Homes in Norway– 2017
Research reportBærekraftig og kompakt byutvikling. Evalueringen av «Plansatsing mot store byer»– Uni Research Rokkan Centre 2017
Conference lectureFrivillig sektor og boligsosialt arbeid– Kunnskapingsmøte 2017
Academic chapterAvslutning: velferdsstaten som kanal for deltakelse– 2017
Academic chapterTjenestedemokratiet– 2017
Academic chapterBrukertilfredshet med private og offentlige barnehager og sykehjem– 2017
Non-fiction chapterFocus group Norway: WP4 Development of analytical framework to perform comprehensive evaluation using Multi-Criteria Decision analysis– 2016
Non-fiction chapterComprehensive description of the most promising ICC models for multi-morbidity in Norway– 2016
Research reportSELFIE2020. Work Package 2 report Norway. Thick descriptions of Medically Assisted Rehabilitation Bergen an Learning networks for whole, coordinated and safe pathways– SELFIE2020 2016
Research reportRoller og rammevilkår for frivillig sektor i boligsosialt arbeid– Uni Research Rokkansenteret 2016
Research reportComprehensive description of the most promising ICC models for multi-morbidity. (- Medically Assisted Rehabilitation (MAR) Bergen - Learning networks for whole, coordinated and safe pathways (Learning networks))– SELFIE 2020 2016
Research reportFocus group Norway: WP4 Development of analytical framework to perform comprehensive evaluation using Multi-Criteria Decision analysis– SELFIE 2020 2016
Academic chapterAccountability, legitimacy and immigration control: the inclusion of social actors in asylum regulation in Norway, Denmark and Germany– 2016
Academic articleFra ansvar til "accountability" og tilbake: Ansvarsutkreving i forvaltningen av den norske velferdsstaten– Nordiske organisasjonsstudier 2015
Academic articleSocial Accountability in Immigration Regulation: The Inclusion of Social Actors in the Asylum Appeals Process– International Journal of Public Administration 2015
Conference lectureTjenestetilfredshet i private vs offentlige velferdstjenester: Kvalitet i barnehage og sykehjem– Forskningsgruppeseminar 2015
Academic articleThe Shark Jaw and the Elevator: Arguing the Case for the Necessity, Harmlessness and Fairness of the Norwegian Pension Reform– Scandinavian Political Studies 2015
Conference lectureLegitimizing immigration control: The inclusion of social actors in asylum regulation in Norway, Denmark and Germany– SOG-Conference Accountability and Welfare State Reforms 2015
Conference lectureVelferdstjenestenes kvalitet: Tjenestetilfredshet i private vs offentlige tjenester– Nasjonal fagkonferanse i statsvitenskap 2015
Research reportOffentlig – privat samarbeid i kommuner. Modeller og erfaringer– Uni Research Rokkansenteret 2014
Conference lectureVelferdstjenestenes kvalitet: Tjenestetilfredshet i private vs offentlige tjenester– Arbeidsmøte for bokprosjekt 2014
Conference lectureUtlendingsforvaltning og legalt ansvar - domstoler på innvandringsfeltet– Forskerseminar VAM 2014
Conference lectureLegitimizing immigration control: The inclusion of social actors in asylum regulation in Norway, Germany and Denmark– Internseminar 2014
Conference lectureLegitimizing immigration control: The inclusion of social actors in asylum regulation in Norway, Germany and Denmark– EGPA conference Changing the landscape of public sector organizations; new reforms but what about results? 2014
Conference lecturePublic pension as a 'springboard' or 'elevator'? Comparing concepts and symbolic tools in the UK and Norwegian reform processes– 12th Annual ESPAnet Conference, "Beyond the Crisis in Europe. New opportunities for reconciling sustainability, equality 2014
Research reportIt happened here: The role of coordinative and communicative discourses in justifying the Norwegian pension reform– Uni Research Rokkan Centre 2014
Conference lectureFrom accountability practices to mechanisms – the effects of formalized social accountability on interest organizations for asylum seekers in Norway and Germany– ECPR Joint Sessions of Workshops 2014