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Sustainability and Renewal

Sustainability and Renewal

Researching the major societal challenges

Today’s major societal challenges in democracy, public governance, civil society, climate, transportation, energy, trade and industry, and regional development constitute central research areas for the social scientists in the Department of Sustainability and Renewal. Our research promotes understanding, explanation, and improved societal handling of these challenges.

Research in Sustainability and Renewal provides policy relevant and topical knowledge to users, public and private decisionmakers, and the general public. Our 75 researchers have backgrounds in political science, sociology, economics, geography, planning, and humanities, with an excellent command of advanced qualitative, quantitative, computational and simulation methods. We are therefore well-equipped to address these challenges from many different perspectives.

The department’s research projects are financed by the Research Council of Norway, Horizon EU, municipalities, counties, public authorities such as ministries and directorates, as well as private companies.

Head of Department
Tord Skogedal Lindén

SVP Sustainability and Renewal - Bergen

+47 56 10 76 21