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Thomas Gunnar Dahlgren

Research Professor

+47 56 10 74 48
Nygårdsgaten 112, 5008 Bergen, Norway

Dr Thomas Dahlgren has a PhD in zoology from the University of Gothenburg. He has specialized in invertebrate zoology with the emphasis on biodiversity mapping including species discovery and naming. Dr Dahlgren has also worked extensively on biodiversity assessments regarding impact from marine anthropogenic activities such as deep-sea mining, oil and gas extraction, offshore wind energy and aquaculture. At present Dr Dahlgren will work on characterizing the fauna living in the areas in the borderland between land and ocean as well as how this fauna is distributed and connected to e.g. carbon sequestration and on characterizing the fauna living in the deep-sea or Antarctic areas including how this fauna is distributed and connected on the sea floor. Currently Dr Dahlgren holds a position as research professor at the Norwegian Research Centre NORCE in Bergen, Norway and as associate professor at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden.

Thomas Gunnar Dahlgren


Climate & Environment

Research themes

Offshore Wind Energy

Research Groups

Molecular Ecology and Paleogenomics - MEP

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Source: Malin Arnesson


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