- Sivilingeniør in Physics and Mathematics from NTH (NTNU)
- Dr. Scient. in Applied Mathematics from Uib
- Previous Work Experience: Forsvarets Forskningsinstitutt (Opto electronics), Sintef Unimed/ NTNU (Medical ultrasound), Norsk Hydro/ Statoil/ Statoilhydro/ Wintershall (Reservoir Engineering), Rocksource (EM geophysicist), KTN/Rosen (Pipe inspection)
- Experience from CMR/ NORCE: Acoustic monitoring of CO2 leaks in the ocean, Monitoring of leaks in systems for supply of drinking water, Unertainty analysis of i measuring systems i the oil and gas industry, Acoustic measurements of the state of health of lithium batteries, Optimization of hydrogen systems, Modelling of the scattering of sound by fish, Sustainability index for buildings, Testing of multi phase flow meters.