Lars Ebbesson
Chief Scientist, Senior Aquaculture Advisor
+47 56 10 74 10
+46 730 598 600
Jon Lilletuns vei 9 H, 3. et, 4879 Grimstad

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Mer info om Lars
Last ned pressebildeKilde: Andreas Graven, NORCE
Vitenskapelig artikkelAcoustic tags versus camera—a case study on feeding behaviour of European seabass in sea cages– Frontiers in Marine Science 2025
Vitenskapelig artikkelWater Flow Requirements of Post-smolt Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar L.) Reared in Intensive Seawater Flow-through Systems: A Physiological Perspective– Fishes 2023
Vitenskapelig artikkelFood anticipatory behaviour on European seabass in sea cages: activity-, positioning-, and density-based approaches– Frontiers in Marine Science 2023
Vitenskapelig artikkelIncreased Thermal Challenges Differentially Modulate Neural Plasticity and Stress Responses in Post-Smolt Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar)– Frontiers in Marine Science 2022
Vitenskapelig artikkelExposure to cold temperatures differentially modulates neural plasticity and stress responses in post-smolt Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)– Aquaculture 2022
Vitenskapelig artikkelChanges in circulating insulin-like growth factor-1 and its binding proteins in yearling rainbow trout during spring under natural and manipulated photoperiods and their relationships with gill Na+, K+-ATPase and body size– Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A 2022
Vitenskapelig artikkelNeural activation in photosensitive brain regions of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) after light stimulation– PLOS ONE 2021
Vitenskapelig artikkelPerformance and welfare of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L. post-smolts in recirculating aquaculture systems: Importance of salinity and water velocity– Journal of the World Aquaculture Society 2020
Vitenskapelig artikkelEffects of temperature and photoperiod on rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) smoltification and haematopoiesis– Aquaculture 2019
Vitenskapelig artikkelEffects of different photoperiod regimes on the smoltification and seawater adaptation of seawater-farmed rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss): Insights from Na+, K+-ATPase activity and transcription of osmoregulation and growth regulation genes– Aquaculture 2019
Vitenskapelig artikkelEffects of environmental enrichment on forebrain neural plasticity and survival success of stocked Atlantic salmon– Journal of Experimental Biology 2019
Vitenskapelig artikkelPhylogenetic Reclassification of Vertebrate Melatonin Receptors To Include Mel1d– G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics 2019
KonferanseforedragThe effect of carbon dioxide exposure on Atlantic Salmon– Asian-Pacific Aquaculture 2019
Vitenskapelig artikkelProactive avoidance behaviour and pace-of-life syndrome in Atlantic salmon– Royal Society Open Science 2019
Vitenskapelig artikkelTransient photoreception in the hindbrain is permissive to the life history transition of hatching in Atlantic halibut– Developmental Biology 2018
Vitenskapelig kapittelEffects of high environmental CO2 levels on Atlantic salmon post-smolts– 2018
Vitenskapelig artikkelComparison between Atlantic salmon Salmo salar post-smolts reared in open sea cages and in the Preline raceway semi-closed containment aquaculture system– Journal of Fish Biology 2018
Vitenskapelig artikkelAllostatic Load and Stress Physiology in European Seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax L.) and Gilthead Seabream (Sparus aurata L.)– Frontiers in Endocrinology 2018
Vitenskapelig artikkelEarly life stress induces long-term changes in limbic areas of a teleost fish: The role of catecholamine systems in stress coping– Scientific Reports 2018
KonferanseforedragMy skin don't lie.– Aqua Nor 2017 2017
KonferanseforedragThe effects of photoperiod on Atlantic salmon post-smolt in freshwater closed-containment systems– Aquaculture Innovations Workshop 2017
Vitenskapelig artikkelRearing environment influences boldness and prey acquisition behavior, and brain and lens development of bull trout– Environmental Biology of Fishes 2017
KonferanseforedragThe effect of carbon dioxide on performance, health and welfare of Atlantic salmon post-smolts in recirculating aquaculture systems– Aquaculture Europe 2017 2017
Vitenskapelig artikkelHow do individuals cope with stress? Behavioural, physiological and neuronal differences between proactive and reactive coping styles in fish– Journal of Experimental Biology 2017
Vitenskapelig artikkelStocking density limits for post-smolt Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) emphasis on production performance and welfare– Aquaculture 2017
KonferanseforedragOsmoregulatory changes in sexually maturing Atlantic salmon post-smolt and adults– 12th international Congress on the Biology of Fish 2016
KonferanseforedragAndrogens up-regulate freshwater ion transporters in seawater acclimated Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)– 8th International Symposium on Fish Endocrinology 2016
KonferanseforedragEffects of androgens on osmoregulatory mechanisms in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.)– 28th Conference of European Comparative Endocrinologists 2016
Vitenskapelig artikkelCognitive appraisal of aversive stimulus differs between individuals with contrasting stress coping styles; evidences from selected rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) strains– Behaviour 2016
KonferanseforedragSemi-closed sea systems for postsmolt Atlantic salmon. (Abstract ID 42049).– The World Aquaculture Society meeting, Aquaculture 2016 2016
KonferanseforedragWelfare and performance of Atlantic salmon post-smolts during exposure to mild chronic stress in closed-containment systems. In Aquaculture Europe 2016 Abstracts, pp 533-534– Aquaculture Europe 2016 2016
Vitenskapelig artikkelImpact of fish density and specific water flow on skin properties in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) post-smolts– Aquaculture 2016
Vitenskapelig artikkelEffects of two sublethal concentrations of mercury chloride on the morphology and metallothionein activity in the liver of zebrafish (Danio rerio)– International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2016
Vitenskapelig artikkelThe ontogeny and brain distribution dynamics of the appetite regulators NPY, CART and pOX in larval Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.)– PLOS ONE 2016
Vitenskapelig artikkelA comparative study of the response to repeated chasing stress in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) parr and post-smolts– Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A 2016
KonferanseforedragAtlantic salmon post-smolts in RAS: effects of salinity, exercise and timing of seawater transfer on performance, physiology and welfare. In Book of abstracts, p. 39– 3d Workshop on Recirculating Aquaculture Systems 2015
KonferanseforedragScaling of culture tanks and unit processes, relevant for Atlantic salmon post-smolt production in land-based systems. In Book of abstracts, p. 35– 3d Workshop on Recirculating Aquaculture Systems 2015
KonferanseforedragSemi-closed sea systems for postsmolt Atlantic salmon. Conference Abstract p. 123– Aquaculture Europe 2015 - Session: Advances in close containment technologies at sea and RAS 2015
KonferanseforedragAtlantic salmon post-smolts in RAS: Effects of salinity, exercise and timing of seawater transfer on performance, physiology and welfare– Nordic RAS 2015
Vitenskapelig artikkelFunctional divergence of type 2 deiodinase paralogs in the Atlantic salmon– Current Biology 2015
Vitenskapelig artikkelThe effects of environmental enrichment and age-related differences on inhibitory avoidance in zebrafish (danio rerio hamilton)– Zebrafish 2015
Vitenskapelig artikkelApolipoprotein E isoforms 3/3 and 3/4 differentially interact with circulating stearic, palmitic, and oleic fatty acids and lipid levels in Alaskan Natives– Nutrition Research 2015
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkelStress in Atlantic salmon: Response to unpredictable chronic stress– Journal of Experimental Biology 2015
Vitenskapelig artikkelEarly steps in the European eel (Anguilla anguilla)-Vibrio vulnificus interaction in the gills: Role of the RtxA13 toxin– Fish and Shellfish Immunology 2015
Populærvitenskapelig artikkelUtvikling av osmoreguleringssystemet hos torskelarver startfôret på rotatorier eller naturlig zooplankton– Norsk Fiskeoppdrett 2015
FagartikkelHvordan kan appetitt og fôrinntak stimuleres hos torskelarver?– Norsk Fiskeoppdrett 2015
KonferanseforedragThe effects of increased CO2 on postsmolt Atlantic salmon Salmo salar growth, physiology and stress responsiveness– Aquaculture Europe 2014 2014
KonferanseforedragOppdrett av postsmolt laks i semilukkede system; Krav til fisketetthet og vannforbruk.– Programkonferansen Havbruk 2014
KonferanseforedragMigratory behaviour and physiological status of post-spawners of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in River Lærdalselva, Norway.– Foredrag 2014
KonferanseforedragNeural characterization of coping styles in farmed Atlantic salmon.– European Aquaculture Society 2014
Vitenskapelig artikkelOsmoregulation in Atlantic salmon Salmo salar smolts transferred to seawater at different temperatures– Journal of Fish Biology 2014
KonferanseforedragEffects of androgens and cortisol on gill ion transporters and osmoregulatory capacity in atlantic salmon– International Congress of the Biology of Fish, Edinburgh, Scotland, August 3-7, 2014. 2014
KonferanseforedragTidlig kjønnsmodning påvirker laksens evne til å regulere vann- og salt balansen i sjø - et velferdsproblem?– Programkonferansen HAVBRUK 2014 2014
FagartikkelKrav til fisketetthet og vannforbruk– Norsk Fiskeoppdrett 2014
Vitenskapelig artikkelThe exorhodopsin and melanopsin systems in the pineal complex and brain at early developmental stages of Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus)– Journal of Comparative Neurology 2014
Vitenskapelig artikkelUnpredictable chronic stress decreases inhibitory avoidance learning in Tuebingen long-fin zebrafish: Stronger effects in the resting phase than in the active phase– Journal of Experimental Biology 2014
KonferanseforedragCharacterizing appetite controlling system in fast-growing Atlantic cod larvae– 27th Conference of European Comparative Endocrinologists, Rennes 2014
Vitenskapelig artikkelDietary LC-PUFA deficiency early in ontogeny induces behavioural changes in pike perch (Sander lucioperca) larvae and fry– Aquaculture 2014
Vitenskapelig artikkelPain and stress responses in farmed fish– Revue scientifique et technique - Office international des épizooties 2014
Vitenskapelig artikkelOsmoregulation and growth in offspring of wild Atlantic salmon at different temperatures– Environmental Biology of Fishes 2014
Vitenskapelig artikkelLow light intensity can reduce Atlantic salmon smolt quality– Aquaculture 2013
Vitenskapelig artikkelSeawater tolerance and post-smolt migration of wild Atlantic salmon Salmo salar × brown trout S. trutta hybrid smolts– Journal of Fish Biology 2013
KonferanseforedragInteractions between environmental stressors, neural plasticity and smolt robustness– The 9th international workshop on Salmonid Smoltification 2013
KonferanseforedragSalmon brain development during smolting: effects on environment, genetics and thyroid hormones– Seminar at the Institute of Biological and Environmental Sciences 2013
Vitenskapelig artikkelEnvironmental enrichment promotes neural plasticity and cognitive ability in fish– Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Biological Sciences 2013
Vitenskapelig artikkelEnvironmental enrichment promotes neural plasticity and cognative behaviour in fish– Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Section B 2013
Vitenskapelig artikkelAluminum exposure impacts brain plasticity and behavior in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)– Journal of Experimental Biology 2013
Vitenskapelig artikkelAtlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) smolts require more than two weeks to recover from acidic water and aluminium exposure– Aquatic Toxicology 2013
Vitenskapelig artikkelGrowth, osmoregulation and endocrine changes in wild Atlantic salmon smolts and post-smolts during marine migration– Aquaculture 2012
Vitenskapelig artikkelHeart rate is associated with markers of fatty acid desaturation: the GOCADAN study– International Journal of Circumpolar Health 2012
Vitenskapelig artikkelIsolation and characterization of melanopsin photoreceptors of atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)– Journal of Comparative Neurology 2012