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Jörg Schwinger

Forsker II

+47 56 10 75 51
Jahnebakken 5, 5007 Bergen, Norway

I have a broad background in Earth system modelling with a particular interest in the interactions of biogeochemical cycles with the climate system. Over the past years, I have been one of the main developers of the ocean biogeochemistry module of the Norwegian Earth System Model (NorESM). I am involved into the efforts of the Global Carbon Project to quantify the contemporary global to regional carbon sinks. More recently, I became also interested in assessing climate mitigation pathways and mitigation options. Given the huge mitigation challenges that have accumulated over the past decades, I am interested in assessing the feasibility of Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR) through methods such as bio-energy combined with CCS or Ocean Alkalinity Enhancement among others. My contribution to such assessments is through a global perspective of an Earth system modeller with a focus on Earth system feedbacks and biogeochemical cycles.

Jörg Schwinger


Klima og miljø


Havets biokjemi


Earth Systems

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