Energi og teknologi
Klimagassutslipp til luft
Gammabasert måling
Mer info om Camilla
Vitenskapelig kapittelSynthesized Data Quality Requirements and Roadmap for Improving Reusability of In-Situ Marine Data– 2023
Vitenskapelig artikkelNeural network approach for correction of multiple scattering errors in the LISST-VSF instrument– Optics Express 2023
KonferanseforedragA modular Smart Ocean Observatory for sensor and communication development, and surveillance of environmental parameters in and around an aquaculture research facility– Ocean Data Week 2023
Vitenskapelig artikkelChallenges, limitations, and measurement strategies to ensure data quality in deep-sea sensors– Frontiers in Marine Science 2023
Vitenskapelig artikkelDirectional wave measurements from navigational buoys– Ocean Engineering 2023
KonferanseforedragUnderwater optical communications and contribution from forward scattered light– Ocean Optics XXV 2022
KonferanseforedragSimulating and correcting LISST-VSF measurements– Ocean Optics XXV 2022
Vitenskapelig artikkelEfficient Monte Carlo simulation reveals significant multiple scattering errors in underwater angular scattering measurements– Optics Express 2022
Vitenskapelig artikkelAnalysis of multiple scattering errors in LISST-VSF volume scattering function measurements using Monte Carlo simulations and experimental data– Optics Express 2021
Vitenskapelig artikkelGas fraction measurements using single and dual beam gamma-densitometry for two phase gas-liquid pipe flow– IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference. Proceedings 2019
Vitenskapelig artikkelFlow profile effects due to pipe geometry in an export gas metering station – Analysis by CFD simulations– Flow Measurement and Instrumentation 2018
Vitenskapelig artikkelRisk-cost-benefit analysis of custody oil metering stations– Flow Measurement and Instrumentation 2018
KonferanseforedragTomographic methods for multiphase flow measurement– International Conference on Applications of Radiation Science and Technology (ICARST-2017) 2017
Vitenskapelig artikkelCharacterisation of single wind turbine wakes with static and scanning WINTWEX-W LiDAR data– Energy Procedia 2015
KonferanseforedragNon-destructive monitoring of multiphase hydrocarbon flow by high-speed gamma-ray tomography– 11th European Conference on Non-Destructive Testing 2014
Vitenskapelig artikkelTomographic segmentation in multiphase flow measurement– Radiation Physics and Chemistry 2014
KonferanseforedragIndustrial applications of tomographic gamma-ray methods– 6th International Symposium on Process Tomography 2012
Vitenskapelig artikkelTomographic multiphase flow measurement– Applied Radiation and Isotopes 2012
KonferanseforedragMultibeam Gamma-ray Measurements and Electrical Tomography for Improved Multiphase Flow Metering– 29th North Sea Flow Measurement Workshop 2011
KonferanseforedragTomographic Multiphase Flow Measurement– Industrial Radiation and Radioisotope Measurement Applications IRRMA8 2011
KonferanseforedragSalinity and flow regime independent multiphase flow measurements– 6th World Congress On Industrial Process Tomography (WCIPT6). 2010
Vitenskapelig artikkelSalinity and flow regime independent multiphase flow measurements– Flow Measurement and Instrumentation 2010
KonferanseforedragFlerfasemåling (olje, vann, gass) ved ulike strømningsmønstre– Fysikermøtet 2009 2009
KonferanseforedragObservations of energetic particle precipitation and effects on the mesosphere and lower thermosphere– First International HEPPA Workshop 2008
Vitenskapelig artikkelThermospheric nitric oxide at higher latitudes: Model calculations with auroral energy input– Journal of Geophysical Research (JGR) 2007
Vitenskapelig artikkelComparisons of electron energy deposition derived from observations of lower thermospheric nitric oxide and from X-ray bremsstrahlung measurements– Journal of Geophysical Research (JGR) 2006
KonferanseforedragSatellite remote mapping of the precipitation of energetic electrons and their effects on the Earth's upper atmosphere– AOGS 2006 2006
KonferanseforedragGlobal observations of the dynamics of energetic electron precipitation during substorms– COSPAR 36th Scientific Assembly 2006
KonferanseforedragChemical effects of electron precipitation: Nitric Oxide in the lower thermosphere– Nasjonalt romforskningsmøte 2005
KonferanseforedragKjemiske effekter av elektronnedbør i den lavere termosfæren– Fysikermøtet 2005 2005
KonferanseforedragObservations of solar and magnetospheric particles during large storms and assessing their effects on the Earth's upper atmosphere– AOGS 2nd Annual Meeting 2005 2005
Vitenskapelig artikkelEnergetic electron precipitation and the NO abundance in the upper atmosphere: A direct comparison during a geomagnetic storm– Journal of Geophysical Research (JGR) 2004
KonferanseforedragEffects on the O/N2-ratio caused by energetic electron precipitation during storms– 2nd IAGA/ICMA Workshop 2004
KonferanseforedragThe impact of energetic electron precipitation on nitric oxide in the upper atmosphere - Including neutral wind effects– 2nd IAGA/ICMA Workshop 2004
KonferanseforedragUpper atmosphere temperature effects of energetic electron precipitation during substorms– American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2003 2003
KonferanseforedragMapping of Energetic Electron Precipitation by Imaging of Auroral X-rays– The 10th Assembly of Space Physics Committee 2003
KonferanseforedragAtmosfæriske effektar av energetisk elektronnedbør under ein substorm– Fysikermøtet 2003 2003