Chief Scientist
- Grimstad
+47 909 66 133
Holistic and Integrated Asset Management for Europe’s RAIL System (IAM4RAIL)
The IAM4RAIL project focuses on seven (7) different integrated demonstrators for rail assets which are key for research and innovation(R&I) in the rail sector. Integrating asset condition information obtained via advanced monitoring with decision-making tools and into thetraffic management system (TMS), combining available information with artificial intelligence (AI) and digital twins are covered as keytopics for R&I in IAM4RAIL. Other topics such as interventions using cutting-edge technologies as robotics or additive manufacturingare seen as relevant for improving asset management in the rail sector. An European cross-border, interoperable and holistic integratedapproach is needed for those topics and others in the asset management framework, that are to be transferred once developed crucial toharmonise European Rail System. Therefore, IAM4RAIL aims to reinforce the next generation of Intelligent and Integrated Rail AssetManagement providing and demonstrating innovative solutions covering fixed and rolling stock assets, minimizing the life cycle costsof assets and extend their lifetime, while meeting safety requirements and improving the reliability, availability and maintainability ofthe rail system. IAM4RAIL will pave the way for the integration of asset condition information and TMS, enabling optimization oftrain routing decisions and improving the overall lifecycle of monitored assets. IAM4RAIL ensures an increased volume of rail traffic inexisting lines with improved cost efficiency and lower CO2 emissions from their maintenance and operations. Furthermore, constructiontime and cost of new assets and lines are reduced, the durability and reliability of their assets increased, and their life cycle costs areoptimized. Competitiveness of the European railway industry is strengthened through the obtention of more qualified products, and itsapplication improves the performance (capacity, flexibility and punctuality) of the whole railway system.
Project facts
Holistic and Integrated Asset Management for Europe’s RAIL System (IAM4RAIL)
01.12.22 - 30.11.26
Total budget
554.708.268 NOK