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Tonje Fyhn

SVP Welfare, Labour and Health

+47 56 10 72 27
Nygårdsgaten 112, 5008 Bergen, Norway

Tonje Fyhn, PhD, is a senior researcher in the research group Worklife. The group seeks to integrate health- and social science in a way that is useful for the individual as well as the society. We seek to produce relevant knowledge that contributes to healthy, active lives in a society that has room for everyone.

Fyhn's doctoral thesis was titled "Barriers and facilitators to increasing work participation among people with moderate to severe mental illness". Her core competencies include work participation among underrepresented groups, effect- and process evaluations, mixed methods, and research communication.

Fyhn's main research areas include:

  1. Work participation among young people not in school or education (NEET), and people with different health complaints, physical disabilities, or with a cultural minority background.
  2. Social inequality in health and participation in society
  3. Inclusion and exclusion
  4. Evaluation of vocation rehabilitation programs, such as Individual Placement and Support (IPS)
  5. Individual follow-up and coordination of people on sick-leave.

In order to sustain the welfare state, we have to enable work participation for more people in work-capable age-range. By investigating the effect of vocational rehabilitation efforts through systematic evaluations, we seek to contribute to a working life that has room for all. The aim is that the knowledge we produce can inform political decisions regarding health and work participation.

Tonje Fyhn


Health & Social Sciences

Research themes

Youth Exclusion

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Source: Rune Rolvsjord, NORCE


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