Climate & Environment
Research themes
Regional Climate Impacts and Modelling
Research Groups
Regional Climate and Climate Services
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Download pressphotoSource: Rune Rolvsjord, NORCE
Academic articleThe first ensemble of kilometer-scale simulations of a hydrological year over the third pole– Climate Dynamics 2024
Academic articleThe influence of Antarctic sea-ice loss on Northern Hemisphere cold surges and associated compound events– International Journal of Climatology 2024
Conference lectureImpacts of Snow Assimilation and Dynamic Downscaling on Seasonal Meteorological Forecasts over the Third Pole Region– VII Convective Permitting Climate Modelling 2023 Workshop 2023
Academic articleRegional water cycle sensitivity to afforestation: synthetic numerical experiments for tropical Africa– Frontiers in Climate 2023
Academic articleFlood variability in the upper Yangtze River over the last millennium—Insights from a comparison of climate-hydrological model simulated and reconstruction– Science China. Earth Sciences 2023
Academic articleImpacts of snow assimilation on seasonal snow and meteorological forecasts for the Tibetan Plateau– The Cryosphere 2022
Academic articleTowards ensemble-based kilometer-scale climate simulations over the third pole region– Climate Dynamics 2022
Academic articleChanging flood dynamics in Norway since the last millennium and to the end of the 21st century– Journal of Hydrology 2022
Academic articleProbabilistic interval estimation of design floods under non-stationary conditions by an integrated approach– Hydrology Research 2022
Academic articleDetection and Attribution of Norwegian Annual Precipitation Variability Related to Teleconnections– Earth and Space Science 2022
Academic articleUncertainty analysis for integrated water system simulations using GLUE with different acceptability thresholds– Science in China Series E: Engineering and Materials Science 2021
Academic articleEvaluation of eight global precipitation datasets in hydrological modeling– Remote Sensing 2021
Academic articleImpacts of land use and land cover change and reforestation on summer rainfall in the Yangtze River basin– Hydrology and Earth System Sciences (HESS) 2021
Conference lectureImpact of the number of donor catchments and the efficiency threshold on regionalization performance of hydrological models– EGU General Assembly 2021 2021
Conference lectureDetection, attribution and frequency analysis of non-stationary flood peaks in 32 big rivers worldwide– EGU General Assembly 2021 2021
Academic articleImpact of the number of donor catchments and the efficiency threshold on regionalization performance of hydrological models– Journal of Hydrology 2021
Research reportHordaflom rapporten – Klima og flom– NORCE Norwegian Research Centre 2021
Academic articleFuture changes in rain-on-snow events over Norway– Environmental Research Letters 2021
Academic articleMass balance and hydrological modeling of the Hardangerjøkulen ice cap in south-central Norway– Hydrology and Earth System Sciences (HESS) 2021
Academic articleThe impact of initial conditions on convection-permitting simulations of a flood event over complex mountainous terrain– Hydrology and Earth System Sciences (HESS) 2020
Conference lectureDetailed Mass Balance and Hydrological Modeling of the Hardangerjøkulen Ice Cap in South-Central Norway– 19th Conference on Mountain Meteorology 2020
Academic articleEvaluation of Multi-Satellite Precipitation Datasets and Their Error Propagation in Hydrological Modeling in a Monsoon-Prone Region– Remote Sensing 2020
Academic articleAn improved routing algorithm for a large-scale distributed hydrological model with consideration of underlying surface impact– Hydrology Research 2020
Conference lectureInvestigating future evolution of glacier and hydrological impacts by an integrated modelling approach– The First Workshop on China-Norway ' Third Pole-Arctic Center (TPAC) 2019
Conference lectureFuture evolution of Norwegian glaciers and hydrological impacts: an integrated modelling approach– Bjerknes Annual meeting 2019
Conference lectureGlacier evolution and hydrological impacts under changing climate: an integrated modeling approach– International Symposium of Hydrological Sciences and High-efficiency Water Resources Utilization under the Changing Environment (ISHW 2019), Wuhan, China, 24 -26 Oct 2019
Academic articleThe impact of initial conditions on convection-permitting simulations of flood events– Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions (HESSD) 2019
Academic articleParameter uncertainty of a Snowmelt Runoff Model and its impact on future projections of snowmelt runoff in a data-scarce deglaciating river basin– Water 2019
Academic articlePerformance of post-processed methods in hydrological predictions evaluated by deterministic and probabilistic criteria– Water resources management 2019
Academic articleEvaluation and bias correction of S2S precipitation for hydrological extremes– Journal of Hydrometeorology 2019
Academic articleTwenty-first-century glacio-hydrological changes in the Himalayan headwater Beas River basin– Hydrology and Earth System Sciences (HESS) 2019
Academic chapterChallenges in forecasting water resources of the Indus River basin: Lessons from the analysis and modeling of atmospheric and hydrological processes– 2019
Academic articleThe assessment of greenwater based on the SWAT model: A case study in the Hai River Basin, China– Water 2018
Academic articleEvaluating the present annual water budget of a Himalayan headwater river basin using a high-resolution atmosphere-hydrology model– Journal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Atmospheres 2017
Academic articleTrend and concentration characteristics of precipitation and related climatic teleconnections from 1982 to 2010 in the Beas River basin, India– Global and Planetary Change 2016
Academic articleForecasting India's water future– EOS 2016
Popular scientific articleForecasting India's water future– EOS 2016
Conference lectureHydrological projections under 21st century climate change in a glacier-fed river basin, Himalaya region– INDNOR Collaborative Workshop 2015
Academic articleHydrological projections under climate change in the near future by RegCM4 in Southern Africa using a large-scale hydrological model– Journal of Hydrology 2015
Popular scientific articleVanskelige indiske vannveier– To Grader 2014
Conference lectureWRF-Hydro simulation of the Himalaya Beas river basin– 1st European Fully Coupled Atmospheric-Hydrological Modeling and WRF-Hydro Users workshop 2014
Academic articleValidation of a new meteorological forcing data in analysis of spatial and temporal variability of precipitation in India– Stochastic environmental research and risk assessment (Print) 2014
Academic articleThe comparison of sensitivity analysis of hydrological uncertainty estimates by GLUE and Bayesian method under the impact of precipitation errors– Stochastic environmental research and risk assessment (Print) 2014
Academic articleComparison of satellite-based and re-analysed precipitation as input to glacio-hydrological modelling for Beas River basin, northern India– IAHS-AISH publication 2013
Academic articleDevelopment and comparison in uncertainty assessment based Bayesian modularization method in hydrological modeling– Journal of Hydrology 2013
Academic articleUncertainty estimates by Bayesian method with likelihood of AR (1) plus Normal model and AR (1) plus Multi-Normal model in different time-scales hydrological models– Journal of Hydrology 2011
Academic articleEvaluation of the subjective factors of the GLUE method and comparison with the formal Bayesian method in uncertainty assessment of hydrological models– Journal of Hydrology 2010
Academic articleSpatial and temporal variability of daily precipitation in Haihe River basin, 1958-2007– Journal of Geographical Science 2010
Academic articleAnalyse the sources of equifinality in hydrological model using GLUE methodology– IAHS-AISH publication 2009