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Aud Larsen

Research Director Molecular Ecology

+47 56 10 74 24
Nygårdsgaten 112, 5008 Bergen, Norway

I want to find out more about the aquatic environment with special focus on marine pelagic food webs. I focus on the smallest organisms like phytoplankton, bacteria and virus. The aim of my research is to understand how interactions between these organisms work and how they are affected by current environmental changes as climate changes.

The practical part of my work takes place in lab, filed and at research cruises. Especially I have taken advantage of experimental systems called mesocosms. These are (sea)water enclosures big enough to capture the lower parts of the marine food web and they can be controlled and manipulated in order to study how environmental changes affect marine pelagic ecosystems.

My technical expertise is flow cytometry for detection and analyses of single cells organisms.

Aud Larsen


Climate & Environment

Research Groups

Molecular Ecology and Paleogenomics - MEP

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