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Connect and Infect - An interactive network to advance research and education in viral ecology and evolution

Connect and Infect - An interactive network to advance research and education in viral ecology and evolution

CONFECT is an initiative to enhance research in viral ecology and evolution at UiB embodied by two ongoing research projects, and to provide state-of-the art platforms for education and dissemination in this topical field. Project members across five different countries (USA, Canada, Japan, China and Norway) will actively contribute to workshops, a symposium and research stays abroad, which will strengthen ongoing research, and newly developed online courses as well as hands-on summer schools will create an efficient and interactive learning environment for students.

The leader group has long-standing experience in traditional viral ecology and theoretical microbial ecology and has been co-founding the field in marine environments. By enhancing collaboration with five international partners, CONFECT complements this expertise with skills in modern sequencing techniques, bioinformatics and numerical simulations. The resulting team is extremely capable, with members being all interested in the same questions aboutregulation and drivers in microbial virus-host interactions. Knowledge promoted through CONFECT will give a basis for better understanding infectious disease as well as environmental questions of how biodiversity and consequentlycycling of energy and matter may change in a changing environment.

Notably, all members in CONFECT are also experienced teachers. Together with pedagogical resources made available through a center of excellence in education at UiB (BioCeed), this will ensure optimal obtension of scientific knowledge and methods for students taking part in CONFECT. Finally, dissemination and outreach of this field is our final objective, which we seek through open-access peer-reviewed scientific journals, popular science articles and interactive games with the public.


Kyle Mayers

Senior Researcher - Bergen

+47 56 10 74 28

Project facts


Connect and Infect - An interactive network to advance research and education in viral ecology and evolution




01.08.21 - 31.07.26



Research group


Research Council of Norway (RCN)


Universitetet i Bergen

Project members

Ruth-Anne Sandaa
Tatiana Tsagaraki
Håkon Dahle
Selina Våge


Universitetet i Bergen, NORCE
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