Yngvar Larsen
+47 907 91 839
Forskningsparken Tromsø, Sykehusvn 23, 9019 Tromsø
ForskningsrapportInSAR Svalbard – User requirements, technical considerations, and product development plan / Brukerkrav, tekniske hensyn og produktutviklingsplan– NORCE Norwegian Research Centre 2024
KonferanseforedragTowards a Sentinel-1 InSAR ground motion service in Svalbard– ESA Living Planet Symposium 2022
Vitenskapelig kapittelEGMS: Europe-Wide Ground Motion Monitoring based on Full Resolution Insar Processing of All Sentinel-1 Acquisitions– 2022
Vitenskapelig kapittelTowards Geodetically Robust Datum Connection of Large-Scale InSar Results - EGMS Perspective– 2022
Vitenskapelig artikkelThe Extended Timing Annotation Dataset for Sentinel-1-Product Description and First Evaluation Results– IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 2022
Vitenskapelig kapittelEuropean Ground Motion Service (EGMS)– 2021
Vitenskapelig artikkelRegional Morpho-Kinematic Inventory of Slope Movements in Northern Norway– Frontiers in Earth Science 2021
KonferanseforedragMapping the timing of seasonal thaw subsidence maxima in Central-Western Spitsbergen– Fringe 2021 2021
Vitenskapelig artikkelSeasonal InSAR Displacements Documenting the Active Layer Freeze and Thaw Progression in Central-Western Spitsbergen, Svalbard– Remote Sensing 2021
Vitenskapelig artikkelEnvironmental Controls of InSAR-Based Periglacial Ground Dynamics in a Sub-Arctic Landscape– Journal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Earth Surface 2021
ForskningsrapportMapping and characterization of unstable slopes with Sentinel-1 multi-geometry InSAR (activity line 2: public sector applications)– NORCE Norwegian Research Centre 2020
KonferanseforedragMapping the timing of seasonal thaw subsidence and frost heave in central western Spitsbergen using InSAR– Conference on remote sensing in Svalbard 2020
KonferanseforedragTowards a better documentation of displacement orientation on unstable rock slopes: 2-dimensional InSAR products– Geofaredagen 2019 2019
KonferanseforedragMulti-Geometry Sentinel-1 InSAR for Characterizing Ground Deformation in Norway– AGU Fall Meeting 2019
KonferanseforedragSeasonal dynamics of permafrost landscapes: InSAR ground displacements and controlling factors documented by in situ and Sentinel-1/-2 remote sensing data– AGU Fall Meeting 2019
Vitenskapelig artikkelINSAR.No: A National Insar Deformation Mapping/Monitoring Service In Norway -- From Concept To Operations– IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium proceedings 2019
KonferanseforedragExploitation of Sentinel-1 InSAR Displacement Maps and Time Series for the Modeling of Spatial-temporal Ground Dynamics in Periglacial Environments– ESA Living Planet Symposium 2019
Vitenskapelig artikkelSeasonal dynamics of a permafrost landscape, Adventdalen, Svalbard, investigated by InSAR– Remote Sensing of Environment 2019
ForskningsrapportPERMASAT2 - Sentinel-1 for interferometric observations of permafrost landscapes in the Arctic– Norut 2018
Vitenskapelig kapittelSentinel-1A/B SAR and InSAR Performance– 2018
Vitenskapelig kapittelBeyond Plane Sailing: Solving the Range-Doppler equations in a reduced geometry– 2018
ForskningsrapportGround displacements on Bouvet Island using SAR Interferometry (18/2018)– Norut 2018
KonferanseforedragInSAR detecting Seasonal Displacements in a Continuous Permafrost Landscape, Adventdalen, Svalbard– 5th European Conference on Permafrost (EUCOP 2018) 2018
KonferanseforedragInvestigating a destabilized permafrost landform, Ádjet rock glacier, Norway: A multi-disciplinary remote sensing approach– 5th European Conference on Permafrost (EUCOP 2018) 2018
Vitenskapelig artikkelRecent acceleration of a rock glacier complex, Ádjet, Norway, documented by 62 years of remote sensing observations– Geophysical Research Letters 2018
Vitenskapelig kapittelThe Sentinel-1 constellation for InSAR applications: Experiences from the InSARAP Project.– 2017
KonferanseforedragSentinel-1 For Interferometric Observation of Permafrost Landscapes In The Arctic– Fringe 2017 2017
KonferanseforedragSneak peek at the 3D surface displacement of a destabilized rock glacier – Observed by combining TerraSAR-X offset-tracking and terrestrial radar interferometry– Fringe 2017 2017
Vitenskapelig artikkelRelating 3D surface displacement from satellite- and ground-based InSAR to structures and geomorphology of the Jettan rockslide, northern Norway– Norsk Geologisk Tidsskrift 2017
ForskningsrapportKartlegging av 3D-bevegelsesmønstre på Gámanjunni 3, Kåfjord, Troms. (14/2017)– Norut 2017
Vitenskapelig artikkelVisualizing and interpreting surface displacement patterns on unstable slopes using multi-geometry satellite SAR interferometry (2D InSAR)– Remote Sensing of Environment 2017
Vitenskapelig artikkelAre we drowning? Urban land subsidence in Thyborøn, Denmark, from ERS-2 and Sentinel-1 imagery and precision leveling– ESA SP 2016
ForskningsrapportInSAR Deformasjonsanalyse Helgeland. Sluttrapport (21/2016)– Norut 2016
ForskningsrapportPERMASAT - Satellites for detection of permafrost landscape changes in Arctic regions - Final report (12/2016)– Norut 2016
Vitenskapelig artikkelSpatial variations in fault friction related to lithology from rupture and afterslip of the 2014 South Napa, California, earthquake– Geophysical Research Letters 2016
Vitenskapelig artikkelA method for automated snow avalanche debris detection through use of synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imaging– Earth and Space Science 2016
ForskningsrapportBakkebaserte radarmålinger i etterkant av leirskred i Sørkjosen 10.05.2015. (13/2015)– Norut 2015
Vitenskapelig artikkelComplex time-frequency and dual-frequency spectra of harmonizable processes– European Signal Processing Conference 2015
Vitenskapelig artikkelGets boost from a new satellite– EOS 2015
Vitenskapelig artikkelThe 2014-2015 eruption of Fogo volcano: Geodetic modeling of Sentinel-1 TOPS interferometry– Geophysical Research Letters 2015
Vitenskapelig kapittelSatellite and Ground-Based Interferometric Radar Observations of an Active Rockslide in Northern Norway– 2014
Vitenskapelig kapittelUse of Satellite and Ground Based InSAR in Hazard Classification of Unstable Rock Slopes– 2014
KonferanseforedragSentinel-1 for InSAR based scientific applications– INSARAP - Technical Workshop on Sentinel-1 TOPS Interferometry 2014
KonferanseforedragSentinel-1 TOPS - technical challenges (and opportunities)– INSARAP - Technical Workshop on Sentinel-1 TOPS Interferometry 2014
KonferanseforedragInSARap at a glance - Team B– INSARAP - Technical Workshop on Sentinel-1 TOPS Interferometry 2014
Vitenskapelig kapittelSentinel-1 Geophysical Doppler Product - Performance and Application– 2014
KonferanseforedragThe Sentinel-1 Constellation – A new era of operational InSAR– 2014 AGU Fall Meeting 2014
Vitenskapelig kapittelSAR processing in small pieces - a divide-and-conquer approach– 2014
KonferanseforedragRock glacier displacement patterns measured using ascending and descending TerraSAR-X InSAR data– ESA DUE Permafrost Meeting 2014
Vitenskapelig artikkelInternal pipeline inspection using virtual source synthetic aperture ultrasound imaging– NDT & E international 2013
Vitenskapelig artikkelSubband Extraction Strategies in Ship Detection With the Subaperture Cross-Correlation Magnitude– IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 2013
KonferanseforedragLarge scale simulation of Raw SAR Data for the sentinel-1 TOPS Mode– ESA Living Planet Symposium 2013
KonferanseforedragConsequences of long-term ASAR Local Oscillator Frequency Decay-an Empirical study of 10 years of Data– ESA Living Planet Symposium 2013
KonferanseforedragRemote sensing of avalanches in northern Norway using Synthetic Aperture Radar– International Snow Science Workshop 2013
KonferanseforedragSpeckle Reduction in Synthetic Aperture Sonar Images Using Thomson’s Multitaper Approach– UA2013 Underwater Acoustics International Conference and Exibition 2013
KonferanseforedragInSAR and Field Monitoring of Seasonal Solifluction Dynamics in Central Svalbard– ESA Living Planet Symposium 2013 2013
Vitenskapelig artikkelEstimation and validation of glacier surface motion in the northwestern Himalayas using high-resolution SAR intensity tracking– International Journal of Remote Sensing 2013
Vitenskapelig kapittelDisplacement monitoring at Svartevatn dam with interferometric SAR– 2012
ForskningsrapportBruk av fjernmåling i palsmyrovervåking– Norsk institutt for naturforskning 2012
Vitenskapelig artikkelThe impact of terrain correction of polarimetric SAR data on glacier change detection– IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium proceedings 2012
Vitenskapelig kapittelForest monitoring in Congo Basin with combined use of SAR C- & L-band– 2012
Vitenskapelig kapittelLandslide monitoring in western Norway using high resolution TerraSAR-X and Radarsat-2 InSAR– 2012
Vitenskapelig artikkelSynthetic Aperture Focusing of Outwardly Directed Cylindrical Ultrasound Scans– IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control 2012
Vitenskapelig artikkelEfficient Full Aperture Processing of TOPS Mode Data Using the Moving Band Chirp Z-Transform– IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 2011
Vitenskapelig artikkelA structural, geomorphological and InSAR study of an active rock slope failure development– Geological Society Special Publication 2011
Vitenskapelig artikkelInSAR Deformation Time Series Using an L-1-Norm Small-Baseline Approach– IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 2011
Vitenskapelig artikkelSynthetic Aperture Focusing of Ultrasonic Data From Multilayered Media Using an Omega-K Algorithm– IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control 2011
Vitenskapelig artikkelInSAR Deformation Time Series Using an L1-norm Small-Baseline Approach– IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 2010
Vitenskapelig artikkelDetailed rockslide mapping in northern Norway with small baseline and persistent scatterer interferometric SAR time series methods– Remote Sensing of Environment 2010
Vitenskapelig artikkelFault-controlled alpine topography in Norway– Journal of the Geological Society 2010
Vitenskapelig artikkelActive normal fault control on landscape and rock-slope failure in northern Norway– Geology 2009
Vitenskapelig artikkelConstant modulus and reduced PA PR block differential encoding for frequency-selective channels– IEEE Transactions on Communications 2004