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Torgeir Uberg Nærland

Forsker I

+47 56 10 76 40
Nygårdsgaten 112, 5008 Bergen, Norway

Torgeir Uberg Nærland attained his PhD from the University of Bergen, in media studies. His research span from journalism to data visualization to various forms of expressive culture, including music, TVseries and documentary film. In his research, he focuses on both textual and institutional aspects of the media, questions of media- and cultural policy as well as the sociology of media consumption. Much of his research has focused on the significance of media and expressive culture for democracy, including for populism, and also civic dimensions of people’s use of media and culture. Theoretically, he is interested in questions form political and social theory, as well as from cultural sociology. Nærland has in his research also explored the intersections between the media and public services / the welfare state.


Moe, H., Hovden, J.F., Ytre-Arne, B., Figenschou, T.U., Nærland, T U., Sakariassen & H., Thorbjørnsrud, K. (2020) Offentlig tilknytning. Mediebruk, demokrati og samfunn. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget.

Journal articles

Ytre-Arne, B., Moe, H. & Nærland, T. (2019) Between ritual and information. Three phases of Norwegian news audiences’ sense-making of the election of Donald Trump. Journalism.

Nærland, T.U (2019) From Pleasure to Politics. Five Functions of watching TV-series for Public Connection. European Journal of Communication

Nærland, T.U (2018) Fictional entertainment and public connection. Audiences and the everyday use of TV-series, Television and New Media, First Published August 31, 2018; pp. 651–669

Nærland, T.U (2017) Altogether now? Symbolic recognition, musical media events and the forging of civic bonds among minority youth in Norway, European Journal of Cultural Studies [Online] 22(1): 78-94

Nærland, T.U. (2016) Colonizing the academy? Organisational mediatisation and public research institutions, MedieKultur. Journal of media and communication research

Nærland, T.U. (2016) Hip hop music and right wing populism in Norway, in De Cleen, B., Nærland, T.U. (eds.) (2016) Expressive culture and rightwing populism in Europe, special issue in JOMEC Journal, Issue 9

Nærland, T.U. (2016) Music, Ideology and Emerging Political Elites: A Survey of Musical Taste and Aesthetic Sensibilities among Young Politicians in Norway, Praktiske Grunde: Nordisk tidsskrift for kultur- og samfundsvidenskab

Nærland, T.U. (2015) From musical expressivity to public political discourse proper: the case of Karpe Diem in the aftermath of the Utøya massacre, Popular Communication, 13(3).

Nærland, T.U. (2014) Rhythm, Rhyme and Reason: Hip Hop Expressivity as Political Discourse, Popular Music, 33:3

Nærland, T.U. (2014) Hip hop and the public sphere: political commitment and communicative practices on the Norwegian hip hop-scene, Javnost / The public, Vol.21, No. 1.

Larsen, L.O. and Nærland, T.U (2010) Documentary in a culture of clearance: a study of knowledge of and attitudes toward copyright and fair use among Norwegian documentary makers, Popular Communication, Vol. 8, No. 1, 2010

Nærland, T. U (2007) Dansebandfeber!, (Dance band fury!) Replikk 2007(2)

Book chapters

Nærland, T.U (forthcoming) Populism and popular culture: a case for identity-oriented research. In Krämer, B. & Holtz-Bacha, C. (eds) Perspectives on populism and the media. BadenBaden: Nomos

Nærland, T.U. (forthcoming) The political significance of data visualizations: four key perspectives. In Kennedy, H & Engebretsen, M. (red) Data visualization in Society. Amsterdam: University of Amsterdam Press

Nærland, T.U. og Larsen, L.O. (2016) Janne-saken – en analyse av medienes dekning av omsorgssvikt. in D.G Christensen, J. Års & B. Ytre-Arna (eds) Utfallsdemokrati – Hvordan velferdsstaten omformer måten demokratiet fungerer på, Oslo: Universitetsforlaget

Nærland, T.U. og Knudsen, E. (2016) Mediatisering av velferdstjenester? En komparativ analyse av NAV og universitetssektoren. In D.G Christensen, J. Års & B. Ytre-Arna (eds) Utfallsdemokrati – Hvordan velferdsstaten omformer måten demokratiet fungerer på, Oslo: Universitetsforlaget

Nærland, T.U. (2015) Multimodal flow: rytme og retorikk i norsk hip hop. I Bjarne Marcussen (ed) (2015) LYDSPOR. Når musikk møter tekst og bilder, Kristiansand: Portal Forlag

Forsgren, F. og Nærland, T.U.(2015) Myte i blomst: samspillet mellom musikk og bilder i Bruce Conners The White Rose (1965). I Bjarne Marcussen (red)(2015) LYDSPOR. Når musikk møter tekst og bilder, Kristiansand: Portal Forlag

Nærland, T. U. (2012) Musikk og offentlighet. I K.Knapskog, J.F Hovden (eds) Hunting High and Low. Skriftfest til Jostein Gripsrud. Oslo: Scandinavian Academic Press

Edited books/special issues

De Cleen, B., Nærland, T.U. (eds.) (2016) Expressive culture and rightwing populism in Europe, special issue in JOMEC Journal, Issue 9 (forthcoming)


Nærland, T.U. (2015) Music and the public sphere: Exploring the political significance of hip hop music through the lens of public sphere theory, Ph.D. thesis. Universitetet of Bergen

Nærland, T. U (2007) Dansebandfeber! – En analyse av mediale uttrykk for norsk dansebandkultur. Master thesis, Bergen: Department of information science and media studies, University of Bergen.


Ytre-Arne, Brita; Hovden, Jan Fredrik; Moe, Hallvard; Nærland, Torgeir Uberg; Sakariassen, Hilde; Johannessen, Ingrid Aarseth. (2017). Mediebruk og offentlig tilknytning (Rapport)Universitetet i Bergen, Bergen.

Nærland, T.U (2012) Musikkens politiske dimensjon. Et Intervju med Simon Frith. Norsk

Nærland, T. U. (2009) Psykologisk perfeksjon gjennom eteren. Et intervju med Thomas Johansson.
Norsk Medietidsskrift 2009 (3)


Torgeir Uberg Nærland


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