Senior Researcher
- Bergen
+47 908 75 828
Recommendation engine for following and maintaining sustainable development goals

United Nations CC BY-NC-ND 2.0
Ecofric plans to develop an AI-based platform for assisting SME’s (Small and Medium Enterprises) in planning and implementing measures for adapting their businesses to the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The SDG Compass document gives a good guide to understanding the SDGs and setting appropriate goals for companies. Whilst the guidelines are focused on large multinational enterprises, there are a number of guidelines that can also be followed by small and medium enterprises and other organizations. In this project, NORCE will, in close cooperation with Ecofric, identify and analyze relevant use cases. Based on these use cases, we will determine the impact of applying different AI technologies and finally implement a demonstrator of a recommendation engine. The engine will follow the guidelines for the SDG compass and facilitate tracking businesses through the SDG compass.
Project facts
Recommendation engine for following and maintaining sustainable development goals
01.09.21 - 31.08.22