Roger Normann, Ph.D. Industrial management (2007), is Chief Scientist and the manager of the Center for Modeling Social Systems at NORCE (CMSS). Normann has 20+ years of experience as an applied researcher, project manager, and researcher manager. He was CEO of Agderforskning until it merged with NORCE and he has been Head of department Department of Working Life and Innovation, University of Agder School of Business and Law, Norway. He has research experience from projects dealing with different aspects of both national and regional issues of the Norwegian innovation system. Normann has for instance published peer review journal publications on SkatteFUNN, Norwegian innovation clusters, user driven research projects, smart specialisation, leadership, governance, agency, regional innovation systems, research roles, higher education sector third-mission, institute sector, and commercialisation of research (TTOs). Normann has also been project manager on three consecutive framework agreements with Innovation Norway, and on applied projects for the Research Council of Norway. Normann also manages the Agdering competence network
Roger Normann
Chief Scientist
+47 480 10 540
Universitetsveien 19, 4630 Kristiansand, Norway
Health & Social Sciences
Research themes
Computer Modeling and Social Simulation
Artificial intelligence
Research Groups
Center for Modeling Social Systems
More information about Roger
Download pressphotoSource: Andreas R. Graven
Conference lectureSmart Specialisation: Broadening the scope to the social dimension– Fagkonferanse - The future of workplace innovation 2024
Academic chapterDocumenting Data Use in a Model of Pandemic “Emotional Contagion” Using the Rigour and Transparency Reporting Standard (RAT-RS)– 2022
Academic articleField analysis of industrial development in a peripheral region of Norway– Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift 2022
Conference lectureDocumenting data use in a model of pandemic 'emotional contagion' using the Rigour and Transparency Reporting Standard (RAT-RS)– 2021 Social Simulation Conference 2021
Research reportEtablering av Digital Innovation Hub - Ocean Technology– NORCE Norwegian Research Centre 2020
Research reportBruk av infrarødvarme i sammenheng med yogaøvelser hos mennesker med revmatiske lidelser– NORCE Norwegian Research Centre 2020
Academic chapterThe Agder region: an innovation policy case study– 2020
Research reportKartlegging av arbeidsoppgaver ved UiA– NORCE Norwegian Research Centre 2020
Academic articleMulti-agent kunstig intelligens og offentlig politikk– Samfundslederskab i Skandinavien 2019
Academic chapterDen tredje rollen: Fra distriktshøgskole til universitet– 2019
Academic articleSmart specialisation—Norwegian adoptions– Journal of the Knowledge Economy 2019
Academic articleThe role of local government in rural communities: culture-based development strategies– Local Government Studies 2019
Academic chapterUniversity Collaboration at a Cross-Road: Evolution and Tensions in Third-Mission Engagement– 2018
Academic chapterDesigned for Regional Engagement? The Case of Telemark University College– 2018
Research reportUtredning av alternative modeller for kommersialisering av forskning ved Universitetet i Agder– Agderforskning 2018
Academic articleEconomic specialization and diversification at the country and regional level: introducing a conceptual framework to study innovation policy logics– European Planning Studies 2018
Academic articleRegional industrial restructuring resulting from individual and system agency– Innovation. The European Journal of Social Sciences 2018
Academic articleAgency, Networks and Complexity: The many roles of academic institutions in regional development and coalition building– Ekonomiaz : Revista Vasca de Economía 2017
Academic chapterManagement strategies in cluster projects – Cases and discussion– 2017
Academic articleThe Role of Higher Education Institutions in Fostering Industry Clusters in Peripheral Regions: Strategies, Actors and Outcomes– Higher Education Policy 2017
Academic articleBetween Rigour and Regional Relevance? Conceptualising Tensions in University Engagement for Socio-Economic Development– Higher Education Policy 2017
Feature articleInnovasjons- og næringslivsforskning ved et veiskille– Forskningspolitikk 2017
Academic articleDo general innovation policy tools fit all? Analysis of the regional impact of the Norwegian Skattefunn scheme– Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship 2017
Academic articleEmergence of regional leadership - a Field approach– Regional studies 2017
Non-fiction chapterUniversities’ external relations– 2016
Academic chapterUniversities' external relations– 2016
Academic chapterDeveloping a sustainable business model in a changing economy– 2016
Academic articleExternal engagement and the academic heartland: The case of a regionally-embedded university– Science and Public Policy 2016
Conference lectureMaking sense of conflicting institutional logics: The case of innovation policy in the Nordic countries– 4S Annual Meeting 2015
Research reportRegional satsing for mobilisering og kvalifisering til forskningsbasert innovasjon– Agderforskning 2015
Research reportKunnskapsgrunnlaget for klyngeprogrammene og delmål 3: «Flere innovative næringsmiljøer»– Agderforskning 2014
Academic articleRole transformations in collaborative r&d-projects as reciprocation between research, Practice and policy– International Journal of Action Research 2014
Academic articleAction research strategies at the “third place”– International Journal of Action Research 2014
Academic chapterLedelse av regionale nettverksprosesser: meningsdannelse og kritikk– 2014
Non-fiction chapterForskere møter praktikere – ett eksempel fra Interreg– 2014
Academic articleRegional Leadership: A Systemic View– Systemic Practice and Action Research 2013
Academic articleWho can govern? Comparing network governance leadership in two Norwegian city-regions– European Planning Studies 2013
Research reportKrise, omstilling og vekst - en regionanalyse av Sørlandet– Agderforskning 2013
Conference lectureExternal engagement and the academic heartland: The case of a regionally-embedded university– 26th CHER annual conference 2013
Academic chapterRegional innovasjonspolitikk i spenningen mellom nasjonale føringer og regionale strategier– 2013
Academic chapterNettverksstyring av klyngeprosjekter– 2013
Academic chapterRegional samhandling for innovasjon– 2013
Academic chapterDeveloping the ‘Third Place’ – The Collaborative Roles of Universities in Territorial Knowledge Creation– 2013
Conference lectureKnowledge Structures and Patterns of External Engagement– 34th annual EAIR (European Higher Education Society) Forum 2012
Academic chapterManaging collaborative R&D programmes: how to achieve programme learning– 2012
Feature articleByråkratisk hybrid eller svar på Agders utfordringer?– Fædrelandsvennen 2012
Academic articleMunicipalities as Governance Network Actors in Rural Communities– European Planning Studies 2012
Conference lectureGovernance, Knowledge and Legitimacy - Transformational View on Regional Development Processes– Regional Studies Association European Conference 2012
Academic chapterThe Collaborative Steering Dilemma of Network-based Development– 2012
Conference lectureGovernance of the university knowledge transfer function – a theoretical framework– Høgskole og Samfunn HSS11: Lokal skaperkraft i møtet med kunnskapsøkonomien 2011
Conference lectureUnderstanding multi-level approaches to regional policy implantation: the research design challenge– One Day Winter Conference, Contested regions: Territorial Politics and Policy 2011
Conference lectureLearning and Innovation through Cross Border Collaboration– The 6th International Seminar on Regional Innovation Policies Lund 2011
Research reportMulighetsstudie for “Technology Transfer Office”-funksjonen ved Universitetet i Agder. En utredning for Universitetet i Agder– Agderforskning AS 2011
Conference lectureInterpreting rural development projects as network systems– The Regional Studies Association Annual conference: Regional Development and Policy - Challenges, Choices and Recipients 2011
Academic chapterKlyngegovernance - perspektiver på styrt utvikling av klyngeperspektiver– 2011
Academic chapterUnderstanding Multi-Level Approaches To regional Policy Implementation: The Research Design Challenge– 2011
Academic chapterKulturen og den instrumentelle tenkemåte - Eksempelet Kristiansand– 2011
Academic chapterKlyngegovernance – Perspektiver på styrt utvikling av klyngeprosjekter– 2011
Academic articleThe contradictory nature of knowledge : a challenge for understanding innovation in a local context and workplace development and for doing Action Research– AI & Society: Knowledge, Culture and Communication 2009
Conference lectureMulti-Level Governance in Regional Development Policies: Reflections on United Kingdom, Lithuania, and Norway– Regional Studies Association Prague 2008 ¿ Regions: The Dilemmas of Integration and Competition?, 2008
Conference lectureDemocratic innovation– Regional Innovation Policies 2008
Conference lectureA Practical Normative Approach to Development ¿ some initial experiences with VRI process in the Agder region– Action Research Conference: Making the ¿Practical Turn¿ practical 2007
Conference lectureContradictory Character of Knowledge - A challenge for understanding innovation and doing Action Research– The Knowledge Economy: new directions in work organisation and regional innovation. Workshop Workshop, Kingston University 2006
Academic articleReflexive democracy: creating actionable knowledge through regional development coalitions– AI & Society: Knowledge, Culture and Communication 2005
Academic articleThe Agder Story– AI & Society: Knowledge, Culture and Communication 2005
Conference lectureThe problem of Extending Industrial Democracy into the Regional Development Level. Experiences from the Agder Case: A discussion of some of the democratic aspects of regional development coalitions with a special emphasis on the works of Bjørn Gustavsen– Den 12. nasjonale fagkonferanse i statsvitenskap 2004
Conference lectureThe Problem of Extending Industrial Democracy into the Regional Development level - Experiences from the Agder case– Academy of Management 2004
Conference lectureReflexive Democracy - Creating Actionable Knowledge through Regional Development Coalitions– Det Digitale Nordjylland (ICT and learning in regions conference) 2004
Academic articleWhen research and practice collide: The role of action research when there is a conflict of interest with stakeholders– ? 2004