Ingvild Firman Fjellså is a social scientist who works with energy transitions research in the NORCE Health & Social Science group ‘Climate, Environment, Sustainability’. Fjellså holds a PhD in science and technology studies (STS) and a masters in sociology. In her PhD project, she studied electricity consumption among householders in terms of the potential to change or shift daily life energy practices to reduce consumption at peak load hours.
She has research interests in technology-society relations, energy transitions, energy justices and fairness, gendered dynamics in relation to energy consumption, and everyday practices. Fjellså has experience with qualitative research methods, including traditional interviews and observations. She has also experimented with more untraditional methods, such as illustrations and written narratives (i.e., Fjellså et al. 2021).
Fjellså is currently involved in several projects working with energy transtions, including ELEXIA, OMEGA-X and Robinson.
Ingvild Firman Fjellså
+47 51 87 51 33
Prof. Olav Hanssensvei 15, 4021 Stavanger, Norway
Conference lectureLeaving the old behind? The future of STS, academic identity and disciplinary boundary work among early career scholars– 6th Nordic STS Conference 2023 2023
Academic articleDifferences in Direct Geothermal Energy Utilization for Heating and Cooling in Central and Northern European Countries– Energies 2023
Conference lectureSluttbrukeres fleksibilitet i en nasjonal energikrise.– Prøveforelesning 2022
Feature articleNy nettleiemodell er ikke nok for å sikre «smart» strømforbruk– Dagens næringsliv 2022
Academic articleFlexibility poverty: ‘locked-in’ flexibility practices and electricity use among students– Energy Sources, Part B: Economics, Planning and Policy 2021
Academic articleJustice aspects of flexible household electricity consumption in future smart energy systems– Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions 2021
Conference lectureFair Flexibility? Capabilities and framings of end-user flexibility in the electricity grid– EASST/ 4S PRAGUE2020 2020
Academic articleArbeidsrettet rehabilitering og hverdagens motstand– Tidsskrift for velferdsforskning 2019
Academic articleDet fleksible mennesket 2.0: Om sosiale relasjoner i fremtidens digitale elektrisitetssystem– Norsk sosiologisk tidsskrift 2019
Academic articleOrchestrating households as collectives of participation in the distributed energy transition: New empirical and conceptual insights– Energy Research & Social Science 2018
Conference lectureMechanisms and incentives for motivating user flexibility– Forskningsrådet, cite visit 2018
Conference lectureUnderstand mechanisms and incentives for motivating user flexibility- a PhD prosjekt– Demand Side Management: Empowering the end user in the energy transition 2018
Conference lectureDet fleksible mennesket 2.0: om sosiale relasjoner i det digitale elektrisitetssystemet– Sosiologisk Vinterseminar 2018
Academic chapterDiagnostiseringen av ADHD– 2016