Energy & Technology
Research Groups
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Academic articleAn analysis of winter rain-on-snow climatology in Svalbard– Frontiers in Earth Science 2024
Academic articleExtent, duration and timing of the sea ice cover in Hornsund, Svalbard in 2014–2023– The Cryosphere 2024
Academic articleAutomated snow avalanche monitoring for Austria: State of the art and roadmap for future work– Frontiers in Remote Sensing 2023
Academic articleAn agenda for the future of Arctic snow research: the view from Svalbard– Polar Research 2023
Research reportSENBYGG– NORCE Norwegian Research Centre 2023
Academic articleThe Response of Tidewater Glacier Termini Positions in Hornsund (Svalbard) to Climate Forcing, 1992–2020– Journal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Earth Surface 2023
Academic articleImproving satellite-based monitoring of the polar regions: Identification of research and capacity gaps– Frontiers in Remote Sensing 2023
Research reportX/L-band SAR on Lufttransport’s Dornier DO-228 (LN-LYR)– NORCE Norwegian Research Centre 2022
Research reportAnalyse av Sentinel-1 data til deteksjon og varsling av kvikkleireskredet på Gjerdrum– NORCE Norwegian Research Centre 2022
Academic articleA Synthetic Aperture Radar Based Method for Long Term Monitoring of Seasonal Snowmelt and Wintertime Rain-On-Snow Events in Svalbard– Frontiers in Earth Science 2022
Academic articlePerformance of manual and automatic detection of dry snow avalanches in Sentinel-1 SAR images– Cold Regions Science and Technology 2022
Academic articleMulti-Sensor Analysis of Snow Seasonality and a Preliminary Assessment of SAR Backscatter Sensitivity to Arctic Vegetation: Limits and Capabilities– Remote Sensing 2022
Academic chapterManual and automatic detection of dry snow avalanches in Sentinel-1 SAR images– 2021
Academic articleA compilation of snow cover datasets for svalbard: A multi-sensor, multi-model study– Remote Sensing 2021
Academic articleSIOS’s Earth Observation (EO), Remote Sensing (RS), and operational activities in response to COVID-19– Remote Sensing 2021
Research reportKepler Deliverable Report D5.1:Synthesis on the visions of the evolution of the Copernicus services.– Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center 2020
Academic articleA 20-Year MODIS-Based Snow Cover Dataset for Svalbard and Its Link to Phenological Timing and Sea Ice Variability– Remote Sensing 2020
Academic articleSnow avalanche segmentation in SAR images with Fully Convolutional Neural Networks– IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing 2020
Non-fiction chapterSentinel satellite-based mapping of plant productivity in relation to snow duration and time of green-up (GROWTH)– 2020
Academic articleNear-Real Time Automatic Snow Avalanche Activity Monitoring System Using Sentinel-1 SAR Data in Norway– Remote Sensing 2019
Academic articleConsistent ice and open water classification combining historical synthetic aperture radar satellite images from ERS-1/2, Envisat ASAR, RADARSAT-2 and Sentinel-1A/B– Annals of Glaciology 2019
Conference lectureSeasonal dynamics of permafrost landscapes: InSAR ground displacements and controlling factors documented by in situ and Sentinel-1/-2 remote sensing data– AGU Fall Meeting 2019
Academic articleLong-Term Water Surface Area Monitoring and Derived Water Level Using Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) at Altevatn, a Medium-Sized Arctic Lake– Remote Sensing 2019
Academic articleA large wet snow avalanche cycle in West Greenland quantified using remote sensing and in situ observations– Natural Hazards 2019
Conference lectureSea ice and open water classification using historical multi-sensor synthetic aperture radar satellite datasets, applied to two Svalbard fjords– The International Glaciological Society (IGS) – Sea Ice Symposium 2019
Conference lecture28 years of fjord ice coverage in Kongsfjorden, Svalbard observed by satellite radar– Arctic Frontiers 2019 2019
Academic chapterSnow Cover Monitoring by Synergistic Use of Sentinel-3 Slstr and Sentinel-L Sar Data– 2018
Research reportSkreddeteksjon E69 Skarvbergtunnelen. (12/2018)– Norut 2018
Conference lectureOperational avalanche activity monitoring using radar satellites: From Norway to worldwide assistance in avalanche forecasting– International Snow Science Workshop 2018
Research reportUAV-BORNE UWB RADAR FOR SNOWPACK SURVEYS. (8/2018)– Norut 2018
Conference lectureHow many avalanches release during a winter?– Nordisk Skredkonferanse 2017
Academic articleAutomatic detection of snow avalanche debris in central Svalbard using C-band SAR data– Polar Research 2017
Academic articleFreeze/thaw conditions at periglacial landforms in Kapp Linné, Svalbard, investigated using field observations, in situ, and radar satellite monitoring– Geomorphology 2017
Academic articleA complete snow avalanche activity record from a Norwegian forecasting region using Sentinel-1 satellite-radar data– Cold Regions Science and Technology 2017
Academic articleSynthetic aperture radar (SAR) monitoring of avalanche activity: An automated detection scheme– Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) 2017
Research reportDeteksjon av Sørpeskred med radarsatellitt. (2/2016)– Norut 2016
Research reportFjordis - muligheter for overvåkning av is i fjordene rundt Svalbard. (3/2016)– Norut 2016
Research reportPERMASAT - Satellites for detection of permafrost landscape changes in Arctic regions - Final report (12/2016)– Norut 2016
Conference lectureDrone-based UWB radar to measure snow layering in avalanche starting zones– International Snow Science Workshopl 2016
Conference lectureSnow avalanche activity monitoring from space: Creating a complete avalanche activity dataset for a Norwegian forecasting region– International Snow Science Workshop 2016
Academic articleA method for automated snow avalanche debris detection through use of synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imaging– Earth and Space Science 2016
Academic articleSnow season variability in a boreal-Arctic transition area monitored by MODIS data– Environmental Research Letters 2016
Academic articleBuilding an indicator to characterize the thermal conditions for plant growth on an Arctic archipelago, Svalbard– Ecological Indicators 2016
Academic articleRemote sensing of snow avalanches: Recent advances, potential, and limitations– Cold Regions Science and Technology 2016
Academic articleFirst Sentinel-1 detections of avalanche debris– The Cryosphere 2015
Academic monographUsing "structure-from-motion" photogrammetry in mapping snow avalanche debris– Wiener Schriften zur Geographie und Kartographie 2015
Academic articleManual detection of snow avalanche debris using high-resolution Radarsat-2 SAR images– Cold Regions Science and Technology 2015
Academic articleUser requirements for the snow and land ice services - CryoLand– The Cryosphere 2015
Conference lectureImpact on runoff simulation by assimilation of remote sensing snow data in a multi-basin hydrological model for Sweden– European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly 2014 2014
Conference lectureEvaluation and Quality assessment of GlobSnow-2 version 2 products– 7th EARSeL Workshop on Land Ice and Snow 2014
Conference lecturePreparation of European snow, glacier and lake/river ice services within the Copernicus CryoLand project– 7th EARSeL Workshop on Land Ice and Snow 2014
Conference lectureMulti-sensor fusion of Radarsat-2 and MODIS data for snow cover mapping in Norway– International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium 2014
Conference lectureSeFaS - Monitoring avalanches in Norway using SAR and UAV borne sensors– EARSEL Workshop on Land, Ice and Snow 2014
Conference lectureAvalanche debris detection using satellite-borne radar and optical remote sensing– International Snow Science Workshop 2014 2014
Conference lectureAvalanche debris detection using satellite- and drone based radar and optical remote sensing– AGU Fall Meeting 2014 2014
Academic articleRecord-low primary productivity and high plant damage in the Nordic Arctic Region in 2012 caused by multiple weather events and pest outbreaks– Environmental Research Letters 2014
Research reportSatellittbasert overvåkning av vekstsesongen på Svalbard, - status 2012– Norut 2013
Feature articleSatelitter gjør skituren tryggere– Nordlys 2013
Research reportEn norsk satsing på Sentinel for kryosfære-anvendelser. AP3-4-rapport fra prosjektet «Kartlegging av snø og bre med Sentinel»– Norsk Regnesentral 2013
Research reportAnalyse av utviklingsbehov og implementasjon. AP2-rapport fra prosjektet «Kartlegging av snø og bre med Sentinel»– Norsk Regnesentral 2013
Conference lectureRemote sensing of avalanches in northern Norway using Synthetic Aperture Radar– International Snow Science Workshop 2013
Academic articleUsing airborne Ku-band altimeter waveforms to investigate winter accumulation and glacier facies on Austfonna, Svalbard– Journal of Glaciology 2013
Academic articleSpatial modelling of Artic plant diversity– Biodiversity 2012
Conference lectureSimultaneous Envisat ASAR and MERIS monitoring of lake ice on Lake Ladoga– EGU Assembly 2012
Research reportAnalyse av nasjonale behov og tilgjengelige løsninger - AP1-rapport fra prosjektet «Kartlegging av snø og bre med Sentinel».– Norsk Regnesentral 2012
Conference lectureMapping the Length of the snow free seasons 2000-2010 in Northern Fennoscandia using MODIS data.– 12th International Circumpolar Remote Sensing Symposium 2012
Conference lectureMonitoring the effect of extreme winter warming events on snow-covered reindeer pastures using satellite remote sensing data.– International Symposium on Seasonal Snow and Ice 2012
Academic chapterCoReH2O, a dual frequency radar mission for snow and ice observations– 2012
Academic chapterValidation of Envisat ASAR based lake ice maps on lake Päijänne– 2012
Academic chapterA monitoring system for glaciers on Svalbard based on Envisat ASAR wide swath data– 2012
Research reportValidation Plan (VP) Document. STSE – North Hydrology ESA project, ESRIN Contract No. 4000101296/10/I-LG,Deliverable No. 7 (WP 320)– European Space Agency 2011
Research reportTechnical Specifications (TS) Document. STSE – North Hydrology ESA project, ESRIN Contract No. 4000101296/10/I-LG, Deliverable No. 6 (WP 310)– European Space Agency 2011
Research reportSnow Products, Algorithms and Processing Lines – Version 1. CryoLand EU FP7 project, Project No. 262925, Deliverable D4.1– European Commission, FP7, Space 2011
Academic articleSami traditional ecological knowledge as a guide to science: snow, ice and reindeer pasture facing climate change– Polar Record 2011
Conference lecture”Satellite monitoring of Snow on reindeer pastures in Northern parts of Sweden and Norway"– 6th LISSIG Workshop on Remote Sensing of Snow and Glaciers:Cryosphere, Hydrology and Climate Interactions 2011
Academic articleInvestigating the Feasibility of the GlobSnow Snow Water Equivalent Data for Climate Research Purposes– Ukjent 2010
Academic articleESA DUE Globsnow – Global Snow Database for Climate Research– Ukjent 2010