- Grimstad
+47 909 66 133
Workshop: Inspection of mooring (Stavanger)
NORCE, Norwegian Offshore Wind og Bouvet arrangerer 15. oktober en workshop for å samle industriaktører og diskutere muligheter for utvikling av løsninger som kan automatisere prosesser for å sikre integritet for fortøyningslinjer, med mål om å etablere felles FoU-prosjekt(er). Bakgrunnen er at dagens metoder fra olje og gass er forventet å bli for dyre for nye bransjer, spesielt flytende havvind, og at man derfor trenger nye og mer skalerbare løsninger.
Time | Event | Speakers |
8.30 | Registration | |
09.00 | Welcome | Cecilia Girard-VikaProject Manager, Norwegian Offshore Wind |
09.05 | Effective integrity monitoring of mooring systems - FOW vs. O&G | Dag-Børre LillestølSenior Principal Surveyor/Engineer Offshore Equipment, Mooring & Diving, DNV |
09.25 | NORCE + Bouvet: Research and IT joining forces in floating offshore wind | Rune SchlanbuschChief Scientist, NORCEMorten SvendsenUnit manager, BouvetIvar KornbekkUnit Manager, Bouvet |
09.45 | EDIH Oceanopolis – National support programme for digitalisation of the ocean industries | Stig MarthinsenManaging Director, Digital Innovation Hub Oceanopolis |
09.55 | BREAK | |
10.10 | Simulating Global Responses of a Semi-Submersible Floating Wind Turbine with Optimal Mooring | Muk Chen OngProfessor, UiS |
10.30 | Next Generation Inspection | Kåre Olav KrogenesCEO, Subc3d |
10.50 | BREAK | |
11.00 | Pitching session of new solutions | TBC |
11.30 | LUNCH | |
12.15 | World Cafe Stations- Opportunities in the market - Requirements to inspection and documentation - Machine learning/AI | |
13.45 | Mingling | |
14.15 | Summary of the day | Cecilia Girard-VikaProject Manager, Norwegian Offshore WindIvar KornbekkUnit Manager, BouvetRune SchlanbuschChief Scientist, NORCE |
Tirsdag 15. oktober 2024
08.30 - 15.00
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