Sigrún Guðlaugsdóttir Henriksen
Leder Tjenesteutvikling, RKBU Vest
+47 56 10 72 41
+47 411 05 101
Nygårdsgaten 112, 5008 Bergen, Norway
KonferanseforedragFolkehelsearbeid og psykisk helse, Psykologers rolle og oppgaver– Fellesprogrammet Psykologforeningen 2013
KonferanseforedragFolkehelsearbeid og psykologers deltakelse.Begrepsavklaringer, erfaringer, nye føringer og noen grep– Samfunnspsykologisk Forum 2013
Vitenskapelig artikkelChronic social stress in the community and associations with psychological distress: A social psychological perspective– International Journal of Mental Health Promotion 2004
Vitenskapelig artikkelChronic Social Stress in the Community and Associations with Psychological Distress: A Social Psychological Perspective– International Journal of Mental Health Promotion 2004
KonferanseforedragStress og mestring i nære relasjoner– Universitetet i Bergen 2002
KonferanseforedragChronic social stress in close social networks– The Eighth International Qualitative Health Research Conference 2002 2002
ForskningsrapportThe Experience of Social Strain– Universitetet i Bergen 2001
KonferanseforedragThe experience of social strain: Respondent validity of a brief questionnaire– III European Conference on Community Psychology. 2000
KonferanseforedragThe experience of social strain: Respondent validity of a brief questionnaire– III European Conference on Community Psychology 2000
KonferanseforedragThe phenomenology of social strain: A qualitative investigation of the KAM-B scale– III European Conference on Community Psychology 2000