Kjærsti Thorsteinsen har hovedsakelig bakgrunn fra psykologi med en PhD i psykologi (2018), samt bachelor og master i psykologi (2006 og 2009) fra UiT Norges arktiske universitet, men hun har også bachelorgrad i økonomi og administrasjon (2014). Etter doktorgraden gjennomførte hun et treårig postdoktorprosjekt ved UiT (2019-2022) om forholdet mellom frivillighet og livskvalitet. Hennes tidligere forskning omhandler primært motivasjon, opplevelseskvaliteter og livskvalitet med prosjekter på fysisk aktivitet, måloppnåelse, frivillighet og donasjon. I senere tid har hun også vært involvert i prosjekter om maskulinitet, likestilling, vold i nære relasjoner, flyktninghelse, folkehelse, og samproduksjon/samskaping. Thorsteinsen har primært metodisk ekspertise innenfor kvantitativ forskning og har blant annet erfaring med psykologiske eksperiment, (intensive) longitudinelle studier, tversnittsundersøkelser og registerdatastudier. Hun har i tillegg noe erfaring med kvalitativ forskning.
Kjærsti Thorsteinsen
Forsker II
+47 56 10 78 54
Tromsø Forskningspark, Sykehusvn 23, 9019 Tromsø
Vitenskapelig artikkelMapping the well-being of Norwegian mothers during the COVID-19 pandemic– Scandinavian Journal of Psychology 2024
Vitenskapelig artikkelThe role of gender, stress, and social support in parents' pandemic well-being: A cross-national study– Family Relations 2024
ForskningsrapportDIGSAM – Digitale plattformer for samskaping– NORCE Norwegian Research Centre 2024
KonferanseforedragSubjective wellbeing as life values. How important are pleasure and life satisfaction in people’s lives– 21st ISQOLS Annual Conference 2023
ForskningsrapportSommer i Folkehallene– NORCE Norwegian Research Centre 2023
Vitenskapelig artikkelSalary and power: How occupational status affects children's occupational aspirations– Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 2023
KonferanseforedragMotivated to do good: Wellbeing and volunteering– The 10thEuropean Conference on Positive Psychology 2022
Vitenskapelig artikkelWhat do I want to be? Predictors of communal occupational aspirations in early to middle childhood– International Journal of Behavioral Development 2022
Vitenskapelig artikkelMothers’ Domestic Responsibilities and Well-Being During the COVID-19 Lockdown: The Moderating Role of Gender Essentialist Beliefs About Parenthood– Sex Roles 2022
KonferanseforedragDoes the Stereotypicality of Mothers’ Occupation Influence their Children’s Occupational Aspirations and Communal Orientation?– Virtual Meeting on the Social Psychology of Gender 2021
KonferanseforedragMapping the Well-Being of Norwegian Mothers During the Covid-19 Pandemic – A Longitudinal Approach– 22nd Conference on Social Psychology and Community Psychology 2021
Vitenskapelig artikkelChildren’s Well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic: Relationships with attitudes, family structure, and mothers’ Well-being– European Journal of Developmental Psychology 2021
Vitenskapelig artikkelDoes the Stereotypicality of Mothers’ Occupation Influence Children’s Communal Occupational Aspirations and Communal Orientation?– Frontiers in Psychology 2021
Vitenskapelig artikkelThe Impact of COVID-19-Induced Changes at Schools on Elementary Students' School Engagement– Frontiers in Psychology 2021
KonferanseforedragThe effect of social distance on willingness to donate– The 21st Conference on Social and Community Psychology 2020
KonferanseforedragThe Feelings of Pleasure and Interest in Meaningful Volunteer Work– The 21st Conference on Social and Community Psychology 2020
KonferanseforedragNow you see it, now you don't: Solid and subtle differences between hedonic and eudaimonic wellbeing– 20th Conference on Social Psychology and Community Psychology 2019
Vitenskapelig artikkelNow you see it, now you don?t: Solid and subtle differences between Hedonic and Eudaimonic Wellbeing– Journal of Positive Psychology 2019
Vitenskapelig artikkelStriving for wellbeing: The different roles of hedonia and eudaimonia in goal pursuit and goal achievement– International Journal of Wellbeing 2018
KonferanseforedragUnderstanding and promoting goal pursuit and well-being: Disseminating interventions and measuring subjective experience using mobile phones– Forskningsseminar 2018
Populærvitenskapelig artikkelDen strevsomme lykken– Psykologisk.no 2017
KonferanseforedragWhat makes adventures interesting, and why should it matter?– International Adventure Conference 2015
Vitenskapelig artikkelIncreasing physical activity efficiently: An experimental pilot study of a website and mobile phone intervention– International Journal of Telemedicine and Applications 2014
KonferanseforedragPrior intentions to switch mediate the link between attitudes and spontaneous switching behavior for own-provider attitudes, but not for other-provider attitudes– Transfer of Knowledge Conference 2011 2011