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Polar Regions in the Earth System (PolarRES)

Polar Regions in the Earth System (PolarRES)

, , Old Ice Shelf Front new seaice copyright, ,

Svein Østerhus, , Old Ice Shelf Front new seaice copyright, ,

Svein Østerhus

What we do

Thanks to its unprecedented scale, PolarRES will help significantly to better understand how the projected changes in the global circulation influence the climate of the Arctic and Antarctic.

PolarRES will study the interactions between the atmosphere, oceans, and sea ice in the Arctic and Antarctic to provide new insights into the key physical and chemical processes of these interactions on a local and regional level. We will assess how the processes respond to and influence projected changes in the global circulation and what this means for the society and the environment.

PolarRES will work with state-of-the-art regional climate models (RCMs) to bridge the knowledge gap in both Polar regions. Our work will be undertaken in partnership with impact modelers to ensure that we produce impact-relevant projections of future climate change in both Polar regions.

Importantly, PolarRES will apply an innovative ‘storyline’ approach and other analysis methods to address mitigation and adaptation challenges.

The consortium consists of leading European groups in the areas of polar-lower latitude teleconnections, polar oceanography, meteorology, climatology, biogeochemistry, global climate modelling, and regional climate modelling in the Arctic and Antarctic.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101003590.


Priscilla Mooney

Research Professor - Bergen

+47 56 10 75 40

Project facts


Polar Regions in the Earth System (PolarRES)




01.09.21 - 31.08.25



Total budget

80.000.000 NOK

Research areas

Research group





Project members

Xavier Levine
Lise Seland Graff
Oskar Andreas Landgren


Meteorologisk institutt

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