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FLAVIVACCINE – aims to increase the EU's ability to combat epidemic and pandemic viral threats both in Europe and around the world.

Dengue, yellow fever, Zika, and West Nile viruses persist as major threats to global public health, affecting millions annually and claiming hundreds of thousands of lives. Recognising the urgency of effective interventions, the FLAVIVACCINE project seeks to offer an innovative, safe, and effective vaccine by developing and characterising a pan-flavivirus vaccine candidate.

Instead of directly targeting the virus, the project focuses on the initial infection resulting from contact with mosquito saliva. Thanks to this new approach, a single vaccine will be required to protect against multiple diseases, rather than multiple virus-specific vaccines.

Importantly, FLAVIVACCINE covers the entire research and development value chain, which may well be a valuable resource in improving pandemic preparedness and response to future threats.

The consortium consists of ten public and private institutions, including universities, research institutions and a vaccine developer. Strategically spanning seven countries in Europe and the United States, it ensures comprehensive coverage of all the required scientific expertise in cell biology, virology, immunology and vaccinology.

As the project unfolds, FLAVIVACCINE will define the immunogenicity of the pan-flavivirus target. It will then develop and characterize the vaccine candidate and prepare it for clinical evaluation.

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Anne Ingeborg Myhr

SVP Biotechnology and Circular Economy - Tromsø

+47 56 10 78 80

Arinze Stanley Okoli

Senior Researcher - Tromsø

+47 56 10 78 85

Project facts





01.01.24 - 31.12.27



Project website


Research areas

Research group


French National Research Institute for Sustainable Development

Project members


IRD, Universiteit Utrecht, CSIC, the Geneva Foundation, NORCE, Icons, CEA, US Irvine, Institut Pasteur, ConserV Bioscience