Evaluation of the implementation of the framework plan (2018–2023)
The Norwegian Directorate for Education and Training has initiated an evaluation of the implementation of the 2017 Framework Plan for Content and Tasks of Kindergartens (FP), asking for knowledge on changes in kindergartens following the renewed plan. The project's main aim is to scrutinize the ongoing changes following the implementation of the FP at kindergarten level, and to which extent the observed changes in service quality and content are a consequence of implementation of the FP.
The FP regards childhood as a value in itself, and thus, kindergartens should have a holistic approach to children's development. In cooperation and understanding with the home, kindergartens are obliged to take care of children's need for care and play, and promote learning and development as a basis for versatile development. Accordingly, children’s play, care, learning and bildung should be seen holistically, and in context. Consequently, the content in kindergarten must be versatile, varied and adapted to the single child as well as the children groups. Based on Norway’s ratification of international conventions as well as the 1999 Sámi Act, the FP regards kindergartens as cultural arenas where children are co-creators of their own culture. Prominent in the FP is the dimension of generalization of the indigenous focus, and all kindergartens are assigned the responsibility for making children familiar with Sámi culture and society – and with the Sámi as indigenous peoples. This makes it prominent to explore the implementation of Sámi issues and rights in the FP. Thus, the project puts special emphasis on Sámi language and culture. In addition, the FP underlines the importance of safe and good transitions for children when they start in kindergarten, within kindergarten and between kindergarten and school and the project includes transitions as an overarching theme.
This project aims to scrutinize adaptations made by crucial stakeholders over time through two strands organizing altogether six (6) work packages (WPs) addressing four overarching research questions:
- How do significant stakeholders interpret the aims and intentions in the revised framework plan, and how do they experience the implementation process?
- How do stakeholders at different levels work to implement the framework plan?
- How do the ECECs work to include and secure the Sámi rights that are included in the framework plan?
- How do ECECs facilitate and secure children’s transitions into ECEC, inside ECEC, and from ECEC to elementary school?
The overarching research questions will be addressed by all work packages.
Project facts
Evaluation of the implementation of the framework plan (2018–2023)
01.12.18 - 29.02.24
Total budget
20.000.000 NOK