Thierry Baussant
Chief Scientist
+47 51 87 55 03
Mekjarvik 12, 4072 Randaberg, Norway
Research reportThe One Ocean Expedition: Science and Sailing for the Ocean We Want– Havforskningsinstituttet 2023
Research reportThe use of eDNA and DNA based methods to assess and monitor alien and doorknocker species– Norwegian Environment Agency 2023
Academic articleExploring time series of hyperspectral images for cold water coral stress response analysis– PLOS ONE 2022
Academic articleSea lice (Lepeophtherius salmonis) detection and quantification around aquaculture installations using environmental DNA– PLOS ONE 2022
Academic articleIdentification of tolerance levels on the coldwater coral Desmophyllum pertusum (Lophelia pertusa) from realistic exposure conditions to suspended bentonite, barite and drill cutting particles– PLOS ONE 2022
Academic articleAbundance and diversity of n-alkane and PAH-degrading bacteria and their functional genes – Potential for use in detection of marine oil pollution– Science of the Total Environment 2022
Academic articleEffects of chronic exposure to the water-soluble fraction of crude oil and in situ burn residue of oil on egg-bearing Northern shrimp (Pandalus borealis)– Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 2021
Academic articleEnvironmental DNA metabarcoding for benthic monitoring: A review of sediment sampling and DNA extraction methods– Science of the Total Environment 2021
Academic articleEffects of crude oil and field-generated burned oil residue on Northern shrimp (Pandalus borealis) larvae– Marine Environmental Research 2021
Research reportKunnskapsstatus for bruk av molekylære verktøy i kartlegging og overvåkning av biologisk mangfold i marine miljø– Miljødirektoratet 2021
Academic articleA simple and selective electrochemical magneto-assay for sea lice eDNA detection developed with a Quality by Design approach– Science of the Total Environment 2021
Research reportImplementation of Environmental DNA (eDNA) as a Tool for Ecosystem-Based Fisheries Management– U.S. Department of Commerce, NOAA 2020
Academic articleMetatranscriptomic Analysis of Oil-Exposed Seawater Bacterial Communities Archived by an Environmental Sample Processor (ESP)– Microorganisms 2020
Academic articleqPCR-based assessment of microfaunal indicators of oil for monitoring benthos around oil and gas platforms– Science of the Total Environment 2020
Conference lectureBIOSCAN Norway - Enabling next generation biodiversity research– ForBio Annual Meeting 2020
Academic articleDispersant application increases adverse long-term effects of oil on shrimp larvae (Pandalus borealis) after a six hour exposure– Marine Pollution Bulletin 2020
Academic articleExposure to chemically-dispersed oil is more harmful to early developmental stages of the Northern shrimp Pandalus borealis than mechanically-dispersed oil– Marine Pollution Bulletin 2019
Academic articleIdentification of microbial key-indicators of oil contamination at sea through tracking of oil biotransformation: An Arctic Field and Laboratory study– Science of the Total Environment 2019
Conference lectureSkånsom sykdomspåvisning ved hjelp av miljø-DNA– AquaNor 2019 2019
Conference lectureAutomatisert miljø-DNA overvåking av patogener i oppdrettsnæringen– Frisk Fisk konferansen 2019 2019
Academic articleEffects of oil and global environmental drivers on two keystone marine invertebrates– Scientific Reports 2018
Academic articleImplementing morpholino-based nucleic acid sensing on a portable surface plasmon resonance instrument for future application in environmental monitoring– Sensors 2018
Academic articleEffects of suspended drill cuttings on the coral Lophelia pertusa using pulsed and continuous exposure scenarios– Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A 2018
Academic articleCapturing Early Changes in the Marine Bacterial Community as a Result of Crude oil Pollution in a Mesocosm Experiment– Microbes and Environments 2017
Popular scientific chapterCan we use miocrobes to tell us about the presence of oil in water ?– 2017
Academic articlePhysiological responses and lipid storage of the coral Lophelia pertusa at varying food density– Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A 2017
Popular scientific articleExploring novel DNA-based autonomous platform for marine water monitoring: Opportunities for petroleum and aquaculture industry– Vann 2017
Conference lectureExploring novel autonomous genosensing platforms for offshore environmental monitoring– 2017 International workshop on environmental genomics 2017
Research reportMesocosm study with thermally treated (TCC) and water-based drill cuttings (WBM)– Norsk institutt for vannforskning 2016
Academic articleAn evaluation of coral lophelia pertusa mucus as an analytical matrix for environmental monitoring: A preliminary proteomic study– Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A 2016
Professional articleCiliary removal of particles by the cold-water coral Lophelia pertusa– The News Journal of the International Society for Reef Studies 2016
Academic articleDirect Visualization of Mucus Production by the Cold-Water Coral Lophelia pertusa with Digital Holographic Microscopy– PLoS Biology 2016
Conference lectureArctic seawater and sea-ice microbial populations and their response to crude oil pollution– 5th International Symposium on Applied Microbiology and Molecular Biology in Oil Systems (ISMOS5) 2015
Research reportExposure study with a drilling mud from Petrobras on the deep-water coral Lophelia pertusa– IRIS-2014/041 2014
Conference lectureThe Environmental Sample Processor:a tool for oil leaks detection by quantifying hydrocarbonoclastic bacteria in marine environments– 5TH NORWEGIAN ENVIRONMENTAL TOXICOLOGY SYMPOSIUM 2014
Conference lectureExperience with Lophelia pertusa coral and drill cutting exposure scenarios– Workshop: Cold-water corals and offshore hydrocarbon explorations on the Irish Atlantic margin 2014
Academic articleShort- and long-term responses and recovery of mussels Mytilus edulis exposed to heavy fuel oil no. 6 and styrene– Ecotoxicology 2014
Conference lectureDetection of oil leaks by quantifying hydrocarbonoclastic bacteria in cold marine environments using the Environmental Sample Processor– 37th AMOP Technical Seminar Environmental Contamination and Response 2014
Conference lectureVulnerability and resilience of deep-sea species to drill cuttings: transfer of experience from Lophelia pertusa to Geodia baretti and gorgonian corals– Foredrag 2013
Conference lectureCombined effects of ocean acidification, ocean warming and oil related discharges. An example of and IRIS-Environmental project– Besøk av Sam Fanshawe, vinner av Rachel Carson Prisen 2013 2013
Conference lectureCombined effects of ocean acidification, ocean warming and oil related discharges– Tekna Biotech Group - Temakveld 2013
Conference lectureCombined effects of ocean acidification, ocean warming and oil related discharges– The Arctic Ocean Acidification - International Conference 2013
Conference lectureCombined effects of ocean acidification, ocean warming and oil related discharges– 4th Norwegian Environmental Toxicology Symposium 2012
Conference lectureMethodologies and effect investigations on the scleractininan coral Lophelia pertusa in relation to offshore petroleum activities: a laboratory study– 5th International Symposium on Deep Sea Corals (ISDSC5) 2012
Conference lectureCombined effects of ocean acidification and petroleum-related drilling mud: a study with the scleractinian coral Lophelia pertusa– Third International Symposium on the Ocean in a High CO2 World 2012
Academic articleEffects of Ocean Acidification on Early Life Stages of Shrimp (Pandalus borealis) and Mussel (Mytilus edulis)– Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A 2011
Academic articleEffects of chronic exposure to dispersed oil on selected reproductive processes in adult blue mussels (Mytilus edulis) and the consequences for the early life stages of their larvae– Marine Pollution Bulletin 2011
Research reportReport from the Coral Workshop 31st May-1st June 2010. Cold-water coral ecosystems: Knowledge status, -gaps, research needs and strategy related to oil and gas operations– IRIS-2011/054 2011
Conference lectureGeneral overview and plan for NFR 2011-2014 project#204025 - Insights into the sensitivity of cold-water communities: enhancing diagnosis and decision-making– Coral info day 29 September 2011 for O&G industry 2011
Popular scientific article"Skader oljeletingen i nord sjeldne korallrev?"– Stavanger Aftenblad 2011
Professional article"Tåler korallene leteboring?"– 2011
Academic article"Tåler disse leteboring?"– UniverS : magasin for Universitetet i Stavanger 2011
Academic articleEnzymatic and cellular responses in relation to body burden of PAHs in bivalve molluscs: A case study with chronic levels of North Sea and Barents Sea dispersed oil– Marine Pollution Bulletin 2009
Academic articleBiological effects of water soluble fraction of crude oil on the Arctic sea ice amphipod Gammarus wilkitzkii– Chemistry and ecology 2009
Academic articleRelating biomarkers to whole-organism effects using species sensitivity distributions: a pilot study for marine species exposed to oil– Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 2009