Steinar Kragset
Senior Researcher
+47 51 87 54 30
Prof. Olav Hanssensvei 15, 4021 Stavanger, Norway
Energy and Technology
Research Groups
Well Operations and Risk Management
More information about Steinar
Academic articleNonlinear interpolated Variational Autoencoder for generalized fluid content estimation– Geoenergy Science and Engineering 2024
Conference lectureLaboratory Validation of Microannulus Repair Using Nanosealant Technology: Pre- and Posttreatment Logging and Permeability Characterization– SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition 2024
Academic articleA Numerical Study of Density-Unstable Reverse Circulation Displacement for Primary Cementing– Journal of energy resources technology 2022
Academic articleMonitoring of a reverse cement job in a high-temperature geothermal environment– Geothermal Energy 2021
Academic articleCement properties characterization from a section retrieved from an oil production well after 33 years of downhole exposure– Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 2021
Academic chapterAssessment of corrosion in the interface casing : Cement and its effect on the leakage potential– 2021
Academic articleEffect of buoyancy and inertia on viscoplastic fluid-fluid displacements in a regular and an irregular eccentric annulus– Journal of energy resources technology 2020
Academic chapterFluid Migration Characterization of Cemented Sections Retrieved from a North Sea Production Well– 2020
Academic chapterMicro-Sonde Well Logging System; a Novel Method for Along-Well Measurements– 2019
Academic chapterCementing an Irregular Annulus Geometry: Full-Scale Experiments and 3D Simulations– 2019
Academic chapterYield stress effects on fluid displacement in an eccentric annulus– 2019
Academic chapterLeakage Through Micro-Annulus Geometries Incorporating Pressure-Driven Elastic Deformation– 2019
Academic chapterEffect of Buoyancy and Inertia on Viscoplastic Fluid - Fluid Displacement in an Eccentric Annulus with an Irregular section Part 2: Displacements in Vertical Annulus– 2019
Academic chapterEffect of Buoyancy and Inertia on Viscoplastic Fluid: Fluid Displacement in an Inclined Eccentric Annulus With an Irregular Section– 2018
Academic articleAnnular displacement in a highly inclined irregular wellbore: Experimental and three-dimensional numerical simulations– Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 2018
Non-fiction chapterMicro-Sonde Well Logging System– 2017
Academic chapterTechnology Roadmap for Geothermal Hard Rock Drilling– 2016
Academic chapterLong Reach Well Concept– 2016
Conference lectureLong Reach Well Concept– IADC/SPE Drilling Conference and Exhibition 2016
Academic articleMSWI super heater tube bundle: Particle impaction efficiency and size distribution– Fuel processing technology 2013
Academic articlePipeline flow modelling with source terms due to leakage: The straw method– Energy Procedia 2012
Academic articleA new coupled fluid-structure modeling methodology for running ductile fracture– Computers & structures 2012
Academic chapterFundamental modes of particle impaction on a solid object– 2011
Academic articleCO2 pipeline integrity: A new evaluation methodology– Energy Procedia 2011
Conference lectureSimulering av løpende brudd i rørledninger med høyt trykk– NPF, Offshore rørledninger/stigerør 2010
Academic articleParticle impaction on a cylinder in a crossflow as function of Stokes and Reynolds numbers– Journal of Fluid Mechanics 2010
Academic articleEffects of boundaries and density inhomogeneity on states of vortex matter in Bose-Einstein condensates at finite temperature– Physical Review A. Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics (PRA) 2008
Academic articlePreemptive vortex-loop proliferation in multicomponent interacting Bose-Einstein condensates– Physical Review B. Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 2008
Conference lecturePreemptive phase-transitions in multicomponent BECs– March Meeting of the American Physical Society 2008
Conference lectureQuantum critical scaling behavior of deconfined spinons– March Meeting of the American Physical Society 2008
Academic articleQuantum critical scaling behavior of deconfined spinons– Physical Review B. Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 2007
Conference lectureFluctuating vortex matter in nonhomogenous rotating Bose-Einstein condensates– Fifth International Conference in Vortex Matter in Nanostructures 2007
Conference lectureThermal Fluctuations of Vortex Matter in Trapped Bose-Einstein Condensates– March Meeting of the American Physical Society 2007
Conference lectureFirst-order phase transition in a gauge theory of S = 1/2 quantum antiferromagnets in the deep easy-plane limit– March Meeting of the American Physical Society 2007
Academic articleThermal Fluctuations of Vortex Matter in Trapped Bose-Einstein Condensates– Physical Review Letters 2006
Academic articleFirst-Order Phase Transition in Easy-Plane Quantum Antiferromagnets– Physical Review Letters 2006
Conference lectureMonte Carlo simulations of thermal vortex fluctuations– Computational Physics Seminar at NTNU 2006
Conference lectureVortex fluctuations in Bose-Einstein condensates– 3:rd Nordforsk Nordic network meeting on Low-dimensional physics 2006
Academic articleInstanton correlators and phase transitions in two- and three-dimensional logarithmic plasmas– Physical Review B. Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 2005
Academic articleMetal-Insulator Transition in Two- and Three-Dimensional Logarithmic Plasmas– Physical Review Letters 2004