I am a marine biologist, and my main area of research is experimental marine ecotoxicology. I have led a series of projects investigating the effects of pollution, ocean acidification and climate change by performing exposure experiments studying a broad range of effect parameters in fish and invertebrates, including northern shrimp, Pandalus borealis, a keystone species in the marine ecosystem.
Renée Katrin Bechmann
Senior Researcher
+47 51 87 55 10
Mekjarvik 12, 4072 Randaberg, Norway
Conference lectureRammeverk for sirkularitet i bioøkonomien. Måleverktøy (KPIer) for sirkulærøkonomi i oppdrettsnæringa– Miljøvernavdelingen, Statsforvalteren i Rogaland 2024
Conference lectureRammeverk for sirkularitet i bioøkonomien. Måleverktøy (KPIer) for sirkulærøkonomi i oppdrettsnæringa– Biosirkel heldagsworkshop 2024
Research reportRammeverk for sirkularitet innen bioøkonomien– NORCE Norwegian Research Centre 2024
Research reportUtredning av sirkulærøkonomien i sjømatnæringen– NORCE Norwegian Research Centre 2023
Academic literature reviewUtredning av sirkulær økonomi i sjømatnæringen, faglig rapport nr. 7-2023, fra NORCE Klima og Miljø– Agderforskning Prosjektrapport 2023
Research reportUtredning av sirkulærøkonomien i sjømatnæringen– NORCE Norwegian Research Centre 2023
Conference lectureThe circular economy in the seafood industry: opportunities and challenges– Arctic Frontiers 2023: Moving North 2023
Research reportEr fjordforbedring en god ide for Hafrsfjord?– NORCE Norwegian Research Centre 2022
Academic articleEffects of chronic exposure to the water-soluble fraction of crude oil and in situ burn residue of oil on egg-bearing Northern shrimp (Pandalus borealis)– Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 2021
Academic articleEffects of simulated environmental discharges of the salmon lice pesticides deltamethrin and azamethiphos on the swimming behaviour and survival of adult Northern shrimp (Pandalus borealis)– Aquatic Toxicology 2021
Academic articleEffects of crude oil and field-generated burned oil residue on Northern shrimp (Pandalus borealis) larvae– Marine Environmental Research 2021
Research reportNeutralisation of hydrogen peroxide after delousing events; technology development and environmental risk assessment– Norsk institutt for vannforskning 2021
Academic articleDispersant application increases adverse long-term effects of oil on shrimp larvae (Pandalus borealis) after a six hour exposure– Marine Pollution Bulletin 2020
Academic articleEffects of exposing shrimp larvae (Pandalus borealis) to aquaculture pesticides at field relevant concentrations, with and without food limitation– Aquatic Toxicology 2020
Academic articleExposure to chemically-dispersed oil is more harmful to early developmental stages of the Northern shrimp Pandalus borealis than mechanically-dispersed oil– Marine Pollution Bulletin 2019
Conference lectureSensitivity of northern shrimp Pandalus borealis to commercial formulations used as anti-parasitic drugs.– Aquaculture Europe 19. Our Future – Growing from Water. 2019
Conference lectureAssessing effects of salmon lice treatment (hydrogen peroxide) on shrimp populations in a multi-stressor environment.– the SETAC North America 40th Annual Meeting 2019
Academic articleEffects of an aquaculture pesticide (diflubenzuron) on non-target shrimp populations: Extrapolation from laboratory experiments to the risk of population decline– Ecological Modelling 2019
Academic articleGill damage and delayed mortality of Northern shrimp (Pandalus borealis) after short time exposure to anti-parasitic veterinary medicine containing hydrogen peroxide– Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 2019
Academic articleEffects of oil and global environmental drivers on two keystone marine invertebrates– Scientific Reports 2018
Research reportMulige miljøeffekter av offshore oppdrett. IRIS RAPPORT 2018/302– IRIS 2018
Conference lectureEnvironmental effects of chemicals used against salmon lice. STRANDBÚNAÐUR 2018.– STRANDBÚNAÐUR 2018 2018
Academic articleEarly life stages of Northern shrimp (Pandalus borealis) are sensitive to fish feed containing the anti-parasitic drug diflubenzuron– Aquatic Toxicology 2018
Academic articleEffects of low crude oil chronic exposure on the northern krill (Meganyctiphanes norvegica)– Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 2018
Research reportBechmann, R. K. 2017. Påvirkes krepsdyr som lever nær oppdrettsanlegg av kjemikalier brukt mot lakselus? Oppsummering av workshop, 21. september 2017. IRIS REPORT 2017/275– IRIS 2017
Conference lectureWhen pesticides become medicine. No blue, no green. Seminar on ocean preservation.– No blue, no green. Seminar on ocean preservation. 2017
Conference lectureShrimp news: Effects of Paramove (hydrogen peroxide), AlphaMax (deltamethrin), Salmosan (azamethiphos) and Releeze (diflubenzuron) on Northern shrimp Pandalus borealis.– Workshop about the effects of anti-parasitic chemicals used in salmon aquaculture on non-target crustaceans 2017
Academic articleExposing Northern shrimp (Pandalus borealis) to fish feed containing the antiparasitic drug diflubenzuron caused high mortality during molting– Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A 2017
Academic articleEffects of chronic crude oil exposure on early developmental stages of the Northern krill (Meganyctiphanes norvegica)– Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A 2017
Conference lectureMedia skriver: “Lakselusmedisin tar knekken på rekene” – Stemmer det?– Krabbe- og skalldyrkonferansen 2015 2015
Conference lectureEffects of diflubenzuron on Northern shrimps (Pandalus borealis) at ambient and future climate conditions– Informasjon om resultater fra FluClim til Øyvind Oaland og Gordon Ritchie fra Marine Harvest 2014
Conference lectureDiskuterte FluClim og His forskning på lakselusmidler. Presenterte IRIS’ klimaforskning.– Diskusjon mellom HI og IRIS om forskning på effekter av lakselusmidler og klimaendringer 2014
Conference lectureOverview of IRIS’ Ocean Acidification Research– Ocean Acidification: Global Implications for the Marine Environment. A Peter Wall International Roundtable. 2013
Conference lectureThe combined effects of ocean acidification, ocean warming and oil spill on the development, feeding and metabolism of the Northern Shrimp (Pandalus borealis) larvae– The Arctic Ocean Acidification – International Conference 2013
Conference lectureCombined effects of ocean acidification, ocean warming and oil related discharges. An example of and IRIS-Environmental project– Besøk av Sam Fanshawe, vinner av Rachel Carson Prisen 2013 2013
Conference lectureCombined effects of ocean acidification, ocean warming and oil related discharges– Tekna Biotech Group - Temakveld 2013
Conference lectureEffekter av klimaendringer og annet stress i havet– Forskningsrådets klimakonferanse: Kunnskap som utfordrer - Avlutningskonferanse for NORKLIMA 2013
Conference lectureOverview of IRIS' OA research– Peter Wall International Roundtable 2013
Conference lectureCombined effects of ocean acidification, ocean warming and oil related discharges– The Arctic Ocean Acidification - International Conference 2013
Academic articleElevated temperature elicits greater effects than decreased pH on the development, feeding and metabolism of northern shrimp (Pandalus borealis) larvae– Marine Biology 2013
Conference lectureCombined effects of ocean acidification, ocean warming and oil related discharges– 4th Norwegian Environmental Toxicology Symposium 2012
Conference lectureInnspill til ny klimasatsning. Kort presentasjon på møtet og skriftlig innspill angående forskningsbehov i den nye klimasatsningen sendt til NFR 24. januar 2012– Dialogmøter om klimaforskning 2012
Conference lectureOn-going research at IRIS on the interaction between acidification and oil pollution– ICES - SCICOM Steering Group on Human Interactions on Ecosystems (SSGHIE), Working Group on Biological Effects of Contaminants WGBEC 2012
Conference lectureKombinerte effekter av havforsuring, global oppvarming og utslipp fra oljeindustrien– Peismøte: «Forskning for bedre miljøpolitikk, eksempler fra skog og hav» 2012
Conference lectureMethodologies and effect investigations on the scleractininan coral Lophelia pertusa in relation to offshore petroleum activities: a laboratory study– 5th International Symposium on Deep Sea Corals (ISDSC5) 2012
Conference lectureCombined effects of ocean acidification and petroleum-related drilling mud: a study with the scleractinian coral Lophelia pertusa– Third International Symposium on the Ocean in a High CO2 World 2012
Academic articleEffects of Ocean Acidification on Early Life Stages of Shrimp (Pandalus borealis) and Mussel (Mytilus edulis)– Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A 2011
Academic articleEffects of chronic exposure to dispersed oil on selected reproductive processes in adult blue mussels (Mytilus edulis) and the consequences for the early life stages of their larvae– Marine Pollution Bulletin 2011
Academic articleSeasonal variation of histopathological and histochemical markers of PAH exposure in blue mussel (Mytilus edulis L.)– Marine Environmental Research 2011
Academic articleBiomarker responses in polar cod (Boreogadus saida) exposed to the water soluble fraction of crude oil– Aquatic Toxicology 2010
Academic articleEnzymatic and cellular responses in relation to body burden of PAHs in bivalve molluscs: A case study with chronic levels of North Sea and Barents Sea dispersed oil– Marine Pollution Bulletin 2009
Academic articleRelating biomarkers to whole-organism effects using species sensitivity distributions: a pilot study for marine species exposed to oil– Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 2009