Kjersti Vikse Meland
Research Director
+47 909 81 036
Sørhauggata 128, 5527 Haugesund
Health & Social Sciences
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Research reportBoligpiloter tilpasset beboere med alvorlig rus- og psykisk (ROP) lidelse. Funksjons- og ytelsesbeskrivelser for tre beboerprofiler– NORCE Norwegian Research Centre 2024
Academic articleDigital product innovations: The impact of inter-firm collaboration and managers’ attitudes– International Journal of Innovation Management 2023
Research reportGrønn omstilling blant små og mellomstore bedrifter (SMB) i Rogaland. Status, motiver og barrierer for grønn omstilling i ulike næringer.– NORCE Norwegian Research Centre 2023
Research reportForstudie Sirkulære muligheter i Sauda og Suldal– NORCE Norwegian Research Centre 2023
Research reportInnovasjon i anleggsbransjen– NORCE Norwegian Research Centre 2022
Research reportInnovasjonssystemet til den norske tunnelsikkerhetsnæringen– NORCE Norwegian Research Centre 2021
Research reportHvordan øke kvinneandelen i FoU-prosjekter i Rogaland ved hjelp av VRI?– Polytec AS 2019
Conference lectureEntrepreneurial processes of spin-off establishments in SMEs.– II Paper Development seminar: II New developments in entrepreneurial process research 2019
Conference lectureFostering innovation and entrepreneurship through public procurement for innovation (PPI): a case study of Norwegian local government procurement– ESU 2019 CONFERENCE AND DOCTORAL PROGRAM ON ENTREPRENEURSHIP 2019
Research reportTeknologi for økt bokvalitet i boliger for personer med rus- og psykiske lidelser. Delrapport 2 Utvikling av boligkonsept for personer med rus- og psykiske lidelser gjennom brukermedvirkning– Polytec AS 2019
Research reportInitielle ytelsesbeskrivelser for boliger for personer med rus- og psykiske lidelser. Delrapport 1 Utvikling av boligkonsept for personer med rus- og psykiske lidelser gjennom brukermedvirkning.– Polytec AS 2019
Academic articleSpin-off fra privat næringsliv – innsikt i norske SMB morselskapers entreprenørielle praksiser– Magma forskning og viten 2017
Research reportOppsummeringsrapport for VRI 3 forskningsprosjekt RECIN: Regional Challenges and possibilities – Innovation and value creation in business Networks– Østfoldforskning 2017
Academic articleSupplying Spin-Offs: Collaboration Practices in the Perpetuation of an Organization– Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Innovation (JEMI) 2016
Non-fiction monographInstitutions and spin-offs: determining factors for etablishment and early market entry success for innovation based spin-offs from KIBS. In "Knowledge Intensive Business Services and Regional Competitiveness", ISBN 9781138859364– Routledge 2016
Academic articleSpinning Them Off: Entrepreneuring practices in Corporate Spin-Offs– Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Innovation (JEMI) 2016
Conference lectureGlobal players in local milieus: Proximity and priorities– 11th International Regional Innovation Policies Conference, Cardiff 2016
Non-fiction chapterSpin-offs as the business model for innovation– 2015
Conference lectureSpinning them off: Entrepreneurial practices in corporate spin-offs– 10th Organization Studies workshop 2015
Academic articleThe impact of reputation and identity congruence on employer brand attractiveness– Marketing Intelligence & Planning 2015
Conference lectureEntrepreneuring knowing for spinning-off– International Conference on Organisational learning, Knowledge and Capabilities 2014
Conference lectureThe impact of reputation and perceived organizational identity on employer brand attractiveness– Maroff Seminar 2012
Academic articleThe impact of reputation and perceived organizational identity on employer brand attractiveness– EMAC Annual Conference proceedings 2012
Conference lectureThe value of organizational identity and reputation in the recruitment context: An approach based on organizational identification– 28th FIBE conference 2011
Conference lectureThe Impact of Reputation and Organizational Identification on Employer Brand Attractiveness: An Approach based on Social Identity Theory– Workshop in Molde 2011
Conference lectureThe Impact of Reputation and Organizational Identification on Employer Brand Attractiveness: An Approach based on Social Identity Theory– The 5th Professor Johan Arndt’s Marketing Conference 2011