I work as a scientist in Tromsø, at the research group called GEMS (Gene technology, environment and society). For the time being I am involved in the project called CRISPsafe but I am also involved in other laboratory related projects. My background is in Molecular biology and Medical Biochemistry. I am interested in gene editing and techniques related to that.
Idun Merete Grønsberg
Senior Researcher
+47 56 10 78 83
Forskningsparken Tromsø, Sykehusvn 23, 9019 Tromsø

Climate & Environment
Research Groups
Gene technology, environment and society
More information about Idun
Academic articleCRISPR/Cas9-Mediated Gene Editing in Salmonids Cells and Efficient Establishment of Edited Clonal Cell Lines– International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2022
Research reportSluttrapport: Undervisningsopplegg for bioteknologi i skolen i et "samfunnsnytte, bærekraft og etikkperspektiv".– GenØk-senter for biosikkerhet 2021
Professional articleNorway- The Norwegian Gene Technology Act: Presenting Case Studies to Illustate the Act’s Advances in Protecting Biodiversity– Topics in biodiversity and conservation 2020
Academic literature reviewNorway—The Norwegian Gene Technology Act: Presenting Case Studies to Illustate the Act’s Advances in Protecting Biodiversity– Topics in biodiversity and conservation 2020
Feature articleMiljørisiko ved soppresistent genmodifisert raps– Fokus 2015
Research reportEnvironmental Risk of fungus Resistant Oilseed Rape– GenØk -Senter for biosikkerhet 2015
Research reportUncertainty and Knowledgegaps related to Environmental Risk Assessment of GMOs– GenØk -Senter for biosikkerhet 2015
Academic articleDetection of Transgenes in Local Maize Varieties of Small-Scale Farmers in Eastern Cape, South Africa– PLOS ONE 2014
Popular scientific articleGM food, nutrition, safety and health– Encyclopedia of Food and Agricultural Ethics: SpringerReference 2013
Academic articleUptake and Organ Distribution of Feed Introduced Plasmid DNA in Growing or Pregnant Rats– Food and Nutrition Sciences 2011
Academic chapterNorway -The Norwegian Gene Technology Act: Presenting Case Studies to Illustrate the Act´s Advances in protecting Biodiversity– 2007