Energi og Teknologi
Mer info om Henrik
Vitenskapelig artikkelLeak detection, size estimation and localization in branched pipe flows– Automatica 2022
Vitenskapelig artikkelMinimum time observer designs for n+m linear hyperbolic systems with unilateral, bilateral or pointwise in-domain sensing– European Journal of Control 2021
Vitenskapelig artikkelStabilization and tracking control of a time-variant linear hyperbolic PIDE using backstepping– Automatica 2020
KonferanseforedragAdaptive Control of a Scalar 1-D Linear Hyperbolic PDE with Uncertain Transport Speed Using Boundary Sensing– 2020 American Control Conference 2020
Vitenskapelig artikkelAdaptive Control of a Scalar 1-D Linear Hyperbolic PDE with Uncertain Transport Speed Using Boundary Sensing– American Control Conference (ACC) 2020
KonferanseforedragAdaptive Control of a Linear, Scalar Hyperbolic PDE with Time-Varying Coefficients– 28th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation 2020
KonferanseforedragAdaptive Control of a Linear Hyperbolic PDE with Uncertain Transport Speed and a Spatially Varying Coefficient– 28th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation 2020
KonferanseforedragReducing Overparametrization in MRAC for Hyperbolic PDEs– 28th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation 2020
Vitenskapelig artikkelAdaptive Control of a Linear, Scalar Hyperbolic PDE with Time-Varying Coefficients– Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED) 2020
Vitenskapelig artikkelAdaptive Control of a Linear Hyperbolic PDE with Uncertain Transport Speed and a Spatially Varying Coefficient– Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED) 2020
Vitenskapelig artikkelReducing Overparametrization in MRAC for Hyperbolic PDEs– Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED) 2020
Vitenskapelig artikkelAdaptive set-point regulation of linear 2x2 hyperbolic systems with application to the kick and loss problem in drilling– Automatica 2020
Vitenskapelig monografiAdaptive Control of Hyperbolic PDEs– Springer Nature 2019
KonferanseforedragMinimum Time Bilateral Observer Design for 2 x 2 Linear Hyperbolic Systems– European Control Conference 2019 2019
Vitenskapelig kapittelMinimum Time Bilateral Observer Design for 2 x 2 Linear Hyperbolic Systems– 2019
KonferanseforedragAdaptive Output-Feedback Stabilization of 2 x 2 Linear Hyperbolic PDEs with Actuator and Sensor Delay– Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation 2018
KonferanseforedragControl of a Time-Variant 1–D Linear Hyperbolic PDE using Infinite-Dimensional Backstepping– Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation 2018
Vitenskapelig artikkelControl of a Time-Variant 1–D Linear Hyperbolic PDE using Infinite-Dimensional Backstepping– Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED) 2018
Vitenskapelig artikkelAdaptive Output-Feedback Stabilization of 2 x 2 Linear Hyperbolic PDEs with Actuator and Sensor Delay– Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED) 2018
KonferanseforedragMinimum Time Disturbance Rejection and Tracking Control of n + m Linear Hyperbolic PDEs– American Control Conference 2018 2018
KonferanseforedragImproved Kick and Loss Detection and Attenuation in Managed Pressure Drilling by Utilizing Wired Drill Pipe– 3rd IFAC Workshop on Automatic Control in Offshore Oil and Gas Production 2018
Vitenskapelig artikkelStabilization of a linear hyperbolic PDE with actuator and sensor dynamics– Automatica 2018
Vitenskapelig artikkelImproved Kick and Loss Detection and Attenuation in Managed Pressure Drilling by Utilizing Wired Drill Pipe– IFAC-PapersOnLine 2018
Vitenskapelig artikkelMinimum Time Disturbance Rejection and Tracking Control of n+m Linear Hyperbolic PDEs– American Control Conference (ACC) 2018
Vitenskapelig artikkelA note on establishing convergence in adaptive systems– Automatica 2018
Vitenskapelig artikkelModel Reference Adaptive Control of 2 x 2 Coupled Linear Hyperbolic PDEs– IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 2018
Vitenskapelig artikkelAdaptive control of linear 2 x 2 hyperbolic systems– Automatica 2018
Vitenskapelig artikkelInverse Optimal Stabilization of 2 x 2 Linear Hyperbolic Partial Differential Equations– Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED) 2017
Vitenskapelig artikkelEstimation of Parameters in a Class of Hyperbolic Systems with Uncertain Transport Speeds– Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED) 2017
Vitenskapelig artikkelAdaptive State Feedback Stabilization of n + 1 Coupled Linear Hyperbolic PDEs– Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED) 2017
Vitenskapelig artikkelAdaptive Disturbance Rejection in 2 x 2 Linear Hyperbolic PDEs– IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. Proceedings 2017
Vitenskapelig artikkelModel Reference Adaptive Control of an Unstable 1–D Hyperbolic PDE– IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. Proceedings 2017
Vitenskapelig artikkelBottom Hole Pressure Control for Oil Well Drilling using Model Reference Adaptive Control– International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems 2017
Vitenskapelig kapittelAdaptive Set-Point Regulation of Linear 2x2 Hyperbolic Systems with Uncertain Affine Boundary Condition using Collocated Sensing and Control– 2017
KonferanseforedragAdaptive Set-Point Regulation of Linear 2x2 Hyperbolic Systems with Uncertain Affine Boundary Condition using Collocated Sensing and Control– 11th Asian Control Conference 2017
Vitenskapelig artikkelEstimation of an Uncertain Bilinear Boundary Condition in Linear 2x2 Hyperbolic Systems with Application to Drilling– International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems 2017
KonferanseforedragEstimation of an Uncertain Bilinear Boundary Condition in Linear 2x2 Hyperbolic Systems with Application to Drilling– 17th International Conference on Control, Automation, and Systems 2017
KonferanseforedragBottom Hole Pressure Control for Oil Well Drilling using Model Reference Adaptive Control– 17th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems 2017
KonferanseforedragAdaptive Stabilization of a System of n + 1 Coupled Linear Hyperbolic PDEs From Boundary Sensing– Australian and New Zealand Control Conference 2017 2017
KonferanseforedragAdaptive Stabilization of Linear 2 x 2 Hyperbolic PDEs with Spatially Varying Coefficients using Swapping– 2017 Asian Control Conference 2017
Vitenskapelig kapittelAdaptive Stabilization of Linear 2 x 2 Hyperbolic PDEs with Spatially Varying Coefficients using Swapping– 2017
Vitenskapelig kapittelAdaptive Stabilization of a System of n + 1 Coupled Linear Hyperbolic PDEs from Boundary Sensing– 2017
KonferanseforedragModel Reference Adaptive Control of an Unstable 1-D Hyperbolic PDE– 56th Conference on Decision and Control 2017
KonferanseforedragAdaptive Disturbance Rejection in 2 x 2 Linear Hyperbolic PDEs– 56th Conference on Decision and Control 2017
KonferanseforedragEstimation of parameters in a class of hyperbolic systems with uncertain transport speeds– 25th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED) 2017
KonferanseforedragInverse optimal stabilization of 2 x 2 linear hyperbolic partial differential equations– 25th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED) 2017
KonferanseforedragAdaptive state feedback stabilization of n + 1 coupled linear hyperbolic PDEs– 25th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED) 2017
KonferanseforedragState estimation in hyperbolic PDEs coupled with an uncertain LTI system– American Control Conference 2017 2017
KonferanseforedragBoundary control of n + 1 coupled linear hyperbolic PDEs with uncertain boundary parameters– American Control Conference 2017 2017
Vitenskapelig artikkelAdaptive Output Feedback Stabilization of n + m Coupled Linear Hyperbolic PDEs with Uncertain Boundary Conditions– SIAM Journal of Control and Optimization 2017
Vitenskapelig artikkelAdaptive Stabilization of 2 x 2 Linear Hyperbolic Systems With an Unknown Boundary Parameter From Collocated Sensing and Control– IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 2017
Vitenskapelig artikkelBoundary control of n + 1 coupled linear hyperbolic PDEs with uncertain boundary parameters– American Control Conference (ACC) 2017
Vitenskapelig artikkelRejecting Unknown Harmonic Disturbances in 2×2 Linear Hyperbolic PDEs– IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 2017
Vitenskapelig artikkelState estimation in hyperbolic PDEs coupled with an uncertain LTI system– American Control Conference (ACC) 2017
Vitenskapelig artikkelModel reference adaptive control of n+1 coupled linear hyperbolic PDEs– Systems & control letters (Print) 2017
Vitenskapelig artikkelEstimation of boundary parameters in general heterodirectional linear hyperbolic systems– Automatica 2017
Vitenskapelig artikkelAdaptive output-feedback stabilization of linear 2x2 hyperbolic systems using anti-collocated sensing and control– Systems & control letters (Print) 2017
Vitenskapelig artikkelDisturbance rejection in general heterodirectional 1-D linear hyperbolic systems using collocated sensing and control– Automatica 2017
Vitenskapelig artikkelAdaptive stabilization of n+1 coupled linear hyperbolic systems with uncertain boundary parameters using boundary sensing– Systems & control letters (Print) 2017
Vitenskapelig kapittelStabilization of Linear 2 x 2 Hyperbolic Systems with Uncertain Coupling Coefficients - Part II: Swapping Design– 2017
Vitenskapelig kapittelStabilization of Linear 2 × 2 Hyperbolic Systems with Uncertain Coupling Coefficients - Part I: Identifier-based Design– 2017
Vitenskapelig kapittelEstimating the left boundary condition of coupled 1-D linear hyperbolic PDEs from right boundary sensing– 2017
KonferanseforedragStabilization of a linear 2 × 2 hyperbolic system with uncertain parameters from anti-collocated sensing and control– 20th International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing 2016
Vitenskapelig kapittelStabilization of a linear 2 × 2 hyperbolic system with uncertain parameters from anti-collocated sensing and control– 2016
KonferanseforedragStabilization of a linear 2 × 2 hyperbolic system with an uncertain boundary parameter from collocated sensing and control– 20th International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing 2016
Vitenskapelig kapittelStabilization of a linear 2 × 2 hyperbolic system with an uncertain boundary parameter from collocated sensing and control– 2016
KonferanseforedragEstimating the left boundary condition of coupled 1-D linear hyperbolic PDEs from right boundary sensing– European Control Conference 2016 2016
KonferanseforedragBoundary Parameter and State Estimation in 2 × 2 Linear Hyperbolic PDEs using Adaptive Backstepping– Conference on Decision and Control 2016 2016
KonferanseforedragIdentification of Unknown Sinusoids in 2 × 2 Linear Hyperbolic PDEs– Conference on Decision and Control 2016 2016
Vitenskapelig artikkelIdentification of Unknown Sinusoids in 2 × 2 Linear Hyperbolic PDEs– IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. Proceedings 2016
Vitenskapelig artikkelBoundary Parameter and State Estimation in 2 × 2 Linear Hyperbolic PDEs using Adaptive Backstepping– IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. Proceedings 2016
KonferanseforedragBoundary Parameter and State Estimation in General Linear Hyperbolic PDEs– 2nd IFAC Workshop on Control of Systems Governed by Partial Differential Equations 2016
KonferanseforedragTracking in Minimum Time in General Linear Hyperbolic PDEs Using Collocated Sensing and Control– 2nd IFAC Workshop on Control of Systems Governed by Partial Differential Equations 2016
KonferanseforedragDisturbance Rejection in n + 1 Coupled 1-D Linear Hyperbolic PDEs Using Collocated Sensing and Control– 2nd IFAC Workshop on Control of Systems Governed by Partial Differential Equations 2016
KonferanseforedragA Swapping Design Based Adaptive Observer for n + 1 Coupled Linear Hyperbolic PDEs– American Control Conference 2016 2016
Vitenskapelig artikkelDisturbance Rejection in n + 1 Coupled 1-D Linear Hyperbolic PDEs Using Collocated Sensing and Control– IFAC-PapersOnLine 2016
Vitenskapelig artikkelBoundary Parameter and State Estimation in General Linear Hyperbolic PDEs– IFAC-PapersOnLine 2016
Vitenskapelig artikkelAn Adaptive Observer Design for n+1 Coupled Linear Hyperbolic PDEs Based on Swapping– IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 2016
Vitenskapelig artikkelTracking in Minimum Time in General Linear Hyperbolic PDEs Using Collocated Sensing and Control– IFAC-PapersOnLine 2016
Vitenskapelig artikkelA swapping design based adaptive observer for n + 1 coupled linear hyperbolic PDEs– American Control Conference (ACC) 2016
Vitenskapelig artikkelA model reduction algorithm for irrational transfer functions with application to leak detection in pipelines– American Control Conference (ACC) 2015
Vitenskapelig artikkelDisturbance rejection in the interior domain of linear 2 × 2 hyperbolic systems– IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 2015
Vitenskapelig kapittelRejection of heave-induced pressure fluctuations at the casing shoe in managed pressure drilling– 2014
KonferanseforedragRejection of heave-induced pressure fluctuations at the casing shoe in managed pressure drilling– IFAC World Congress 2014