I work at the intersection of nature and society, with a particular focus on biodiversity, land use change, and sustainability. I completed my PhD in 2023 on operationalizing and applying sustainability in different contexts, including blue-green infrastructure, climate change adaptation and innovation processes in the private and education sectors. I use qualitative systems methods and stakeholder engagement to support understanding of complex sustainability issues and identification of potential synergies and conflicts among sustainability goals.
My background also includes extensive experience working in the public sector as a senior adviser for land use planning at the County Governor of Vestland (Statsforvaltaren i Vestland) and as a lead public lands ecologist for the state of Maine, USA. In addition, I convene the Alternet Europe annual PhD summer school on biodiversity and society.
- 2023 PhD, System dynamics, Center for climate and energy transformation, University of Bergen, Norway
- 2013 M.Phil, System dynamics, University of Bergen, Norway
- 2009, Fulbright fellowship to Norway
- 2004 M.Sc., Ecological planning and field naturalist, University of Vermont, USA
- 1998 B.A., Geology and English literature, Oberlin College, USA