NORCE has more than a thousand research and innovation projects going on together with national and international clients and partners. As an independent research institution with a 360-degree perspective, NORCE can give you the answers you need to make wise and sustainable choices for the future.
Acoustic transducer design
aDNA (ancient DNA)
Advanced in-situ sensors
Antimicrobial resistance in the environment
Artificial intelligence
Autonomous systems
Avalanche and landslide hazard and risk
Benthic fauna in freshwater
Bio economy
Biological and Ecological Effects of Discharges and Stressors
Biomarkers and biological response
CCS/CCUS: Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage
Characterisation of Chemical and Biological Contaminants
Children's Mental Health
Climate and risk adaptation
Climate emission to air
Climate modelling
Climate Risk
Climate transitions
CO2 emission monitoring
Computer Modeling and Social Simulation
Computer Vision
Current Forecasts
Data assimilation
Data assimilation and Machine learning
Decision support systems
Deep-sea Biodiversity
Democracy, Civil Society and Participation
Digital drilling
Digital Lives
Drilling- and well-technology
Emergency medicine and emergency primary health care
Energy systems
Ensemble based methods
Environmental Modelling and Decision Support
Ethical, legal and societal aspects of new technologies (ELSA)
Fibre optic sensor technology
Fibre Optical Communication
Field surveys
Fiscal metering
Fjord ecology
Flow measurement
Fluid characterisation
Gaming technology
Gas fermenation
Gas supersaturation
Gender and equality
General practice
General practitioner
Geothermal energy
Habitat mapping
Health technology
Human-computer interaction
Hyperspectral Vision
Industrial automation
Learning analytics
Machine learning
Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence
Machine learning for earth observation from drones and satellites
Machine Vision
Maritime transport
Measurement of sea currents
Media Intelligence
Medical image analysis
Molecular analyses of GMOs and genome editing
Monitoring systems for oceans and ocean industries
Multiphase Flow Measurement
Music Therapy
Ocean biogeochemistry
Ocean Aaidification
Offshore Wind Energy
Optical satellite and manned aircraft remote sensing
Pattern analysis for embedded intelligence
Plastic Litter in the Sea
Public health
Radar backscatter analysis and change detection
Radar Interferometry and offset tracking
Regional Climate Impacts and Modelling
Remote Inspection
Renewable energy
Reservoir Modelling
River restoration
RRI (responsible research and innovation)
Salmon lice
Sick Leave and Working Life
Smart sensors with improved capability
Space Debris
Structural analysis
Technologies for sustainable fishing
The Child Welfare Services
The High North
Unmanned Aircraft Systems or Drones
Wave forecast
Wave measurements
Wave radar: prediction of waves and vessel motions
Well construction, intervention and P&A
Youth Exclusion
Autonomous systems and IoT
Center for Modeling Social Systems
Centre for Practice-Oriented Research and Co-creation
Climate, Environment, and Sustainability
Coastal and Ocean Systems
Computational Geosciences and Modelling
Data Assimilation and Optimization
Digital Systems
Drones and Autonomous Systems
Earth Observation
Earth Systems
Energy Modelling and Automation
Fish Biology and Aquaculture
Forecasting Engine
GAMUT – Music Therapy
Gene technology, environment and society
Health Services and Health Economics
Industrial Biotechnology
Innovation and industry
LFI Laboratorium for ferskvannsøkologi og innlandsfiske
Marine Biotechnology
Marine Ecology
Measurement Science
Modelling and Simulation
Molecular Ecology and Paleogenomics - MEP
Ocean Observations
Regional Climate and Climate Services
Remote Sensing and Satellite Oceanography
Restructuring of the Public Sector
Subsurface Energy Solutions
Subsurface Flow Laboratory
Sustainable Development in the Arctic
Well Operations and Risk Management
Working life
The page is updated, so it shows all results with Research Topic(Climate Risk). There are 6 results.
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