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Could fungi be Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde in the plastic litter problem?

Could fungi be Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde in the plastic litter problem?

Plastic litter is not only a problem by itself, but can carry microorganisms and substances that can be harmful to health and the natural environment. Some fungal species are efficient plastic decomposers [1, 2] and here we will elucidate if plastic litter can be a vector for biocides and harmful microorganisms (Mr. Hyde), and at the same time explore if fungi that sorb to plastic can be used as biodegraders of plastic waste (Dr. Jekyll).

Based on a citizen science project, we want to collect plastic litter from various biotopes all over Norway, including agriculture, in order to 1) analyse levels of biocides on the plastic litter samples and 2) map the bacterial and fungal microbiota. Based on these results, we will select fungal taxa for lab scale plastic degradation experiments. This project will gain new knowledge that can contribute to:

• Increased understanding if and how plastic waste can be a vector for biocides and beneficial and harmful microorganisms and how this may have effect at the ecosystem level

• increased understanding of the overall impact on current levels of biocides and the microbiome of plastics used in agriculture for the environment and microbial biodiversity, and propose measures to reduce this impact

• future solutions for an effective eco-friendly management practice for plastic litter

• propose measures and strategies to help to prevent the spread of and exposure to substances that are harmful to the environment

Project facts


Could fungi be Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde in the plastic litter problem?



06.05.24 - 06.05.24



Research areas

Research group

Research Topics




NIBIO, NORCE, UC Berkeley, MILJØSTIFTELSEN BELLONA, NORGES BONDELAG, State Key Lab of Mycology, Chinese Academy of Sciences

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