Dr. Vignesh. V. Shanbhag received his M. Tech in Manufacturing Engineering from Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT), India in 2015, and a joint PhD degree in Manufacturing Engineering from Deakin University (Australia) and Indian Institute of Technology, Madras (India) in 2019. He has six years of research experience in the field of condition monitoring with demonstrated history of performing condition monitoring of machine tools, part quality monitoring, hydraulic cylinder seals, bearings, piston rod, and fluid contaminants. His research interests include acoustic emission-based condition monitoring and tribology studies. He has completed Vibration ISO-II course from Mobius institute. He is also an academic professional with two years of teaching experience in mechanical engineering and engineering management subjects for undergraduate and postgraduate students.
Vignesh Vishnudas Shanbhag
Senior Scientist
+47 973 60 879
Nygårdsgaten 112, 5008 Bergen, Norway

Energy & Technology
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More information about Vignesh
Academic articleData Driven Seal Wear Classifications using Acoustic Emissions and Artificial Neural Networks– Proceedings of the European Conference of the Prognostics and Health Management Society (PHME) 2022
Academic articleForecasting Piston Rod Seal Failure Based on Acoustic Emission Features in ARIMA Model– Proceedings of the European Conference of the Prognostics and Health Management Society (PHME) 2022
Academic articleAcoustic Emission-Based Condition Monitoring and Remaining Useful Life Prediction of Hydraulic Cylinder Rod Seals– Sensors 2021
Academic articleAutomated and Rapid Seal Wear Classification Based on Acoustic Emission and Support Vector Machine– Proceedings of the European Conference of the Prognostics and Health Management Society (PHME) 2021
Academic articleApplication of machine learning for acoustic emissions waveform to classify galling wear on sheet metal stamping tools– The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 2021
Academic articleDefining acoustic emission-based condition monitoring indicators for monitoring piston rod seal and bearing wear in hydraulic cylinders– The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 2021
Academic articleFailure Monitoring and Predictive Maintenance of Hydraulic Cylinder - A State of Art Review.– IEEE/ASME transactions on mechatronics 2021
Academic articleInvestigation of Galling Wear Using Acoustic Emission Frequency Characteristics– Lubricants 2020
Academic articleAcoustic emission based condition monitoring study of piston rod seals by varying speed and pressure parameters– Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Prognostics and Health Management Society, PHM 2020
Academic articleDiagnostics of seal and rod degradation in hydraulic cylinders using acoustic emissions– Proceedings of the European Conference of the Prognostics and Health Management Society (PHME) 2020
Academic articleCondition monitoring of hydraulic cylinder seals using acoustic emissions– The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 2020
Academic articleInvestigation of Stamping Tool Wear Initiation at Microscopic Level Using Acoustic Emission Sensors– Key Engineering Materials 2019
Academic articleDeveloping smart multi-sensor monitoring for tool wear in stamping process– IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 2019
Academic articleUnderstanding galling wear initiation and progression using force and acoustic emissions sensors– Wear 2019
Academic articleUltra-precision Finishing by Magnetic Abrasive Finishing Process– Materials Today: Proceedings 2018
Academic articleUnderstanding the source of acoustic emission signals during the wear of stamping tools– IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 2018
Academic articleInvestigating galling wear behaviour in sheet metal stamping using acoustic emissions– Wear 2018
Academic articleInvestigation of magnetic abrasive finishing using unbonded magnetic abrasives with double pole arrangement– International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management (IJMTM) 2017
Academic articleTime series analysis of tool wear in sheet metal stamping using acoustic emission– Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS) 2017
Academic articleModelling for evaluation of surface roughness in magnetic abrasive finishing of flat surfaces– International Journal of Precision Technology (IJPT) 2016
Academic articlePreparation, characterization and machinability of Al7075-Al2O3 matrix composite using multi layer coated carbide insert– Procedia Materials Science 2014
Academic articleFabrication, Surface Morphology and Corrosion Investigation of Al 7075-Al2O3 Matrix Composite in Sea Water and Industrial Environment– Procedia Engineering 2014