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Timo Szczepanska

Senior Researcher

+47 56 10 79 11
Universitetsveien 19, 4630 Kristiansand, Norway

I am a researcher with a focus on the intersection of humanities and technology, particularly interested in sustainable social and ecological transformations. I have worked as a researcher and coordinator on several EU-funded projects, including Horizon 2020 and the European Regional Development Fund, in areas such as urban development and fisheries. My expertise includes proposal writing, qualitative and quantitative methods, and computational social research.

My main research interests involve agent-based modeling and using games to study and represent social-ecological systems. I also explore possible futures through simulation-based scenarios, aiming to understand how different decisions shape outcomes. I am committed to engaging people in the scientific process through participatory activities supported by digital tools.

I am a member of the Management Committee of the European Social Simulation Association and was awarded the Distinguished Dissertation Award in 2024.


  • PhD in Social Sciences, UiT - The Arctic University of Tromsø, Norway, 2023
  • M.A. in Future Studies, Free University, Berlin, Germany, 2017
  • B.A. in Culture & Technology Studies, Technical University, Berlin, Germany, 2011


Timo Szczepanska

Research Groups

Modelling and Simulation

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