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Tejaswini Rama Bangalore Ramakrishna


+47 56 10 74 56
Thormøhlensgt. 55, 5006 Bergen, Norway

Dr. Tejaswini Rama Bangalore Ramakrishna is a researcher III at NORCE. She earned her Master of Biotechnology (Honours) from Deakin University, Australia, in 2014, and in 2015 she received a fully funded PhD scholarship from the Australian Research Council and the New Zealand Ministry of Business and Employment and obtained her PhD in 2019 from the same university. In 2020, she was funded by an International Researcher Mobility Grant to pursue postdoctoral research fellowship at the J. Heyrovsky Institute of Physical Chemistry in Prague, Czech Republic.

In her research career, she has worked on multidisciplinary projects and has strong expertise in the fields of biochemistry, biotechnology and nanotechnology. Among her interests are enzyme immobilization for biocatalytic applications, enzymatic hydrolysis of plant and animal’s rest raw materials to produce taste-neutral protein hydrolysates, and enzymatic methods to prevent lipid oxidation in protein hydrolysates. She specialises in working with 0D, 1D, and 2D nanomaterials, as well as in modifying their surfaces for catalytic, in studying the T-cell activation and for drug delivery purposes. In addition, she has several years of experience in working with Raman, FTIR, SEM, AFM, Confocal and Super-resolution microscopes.

Tejaswini Rama Bangalore Ramakrishna

Research Groups

Marine Biotechnology

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