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Renira Corinne Angeles

Senior Researcher

+47 56 10 72 98
+47 91 87 91 98
Tullins gate 2, 0166 Oslo, Norway

Renira Corinne Angeles har mastergrad i politisk økonomi og doktorgrad (PhD) i statsvitenskap med fordypning i politisk økonomi.

Hennes forskningsinteresser omfatter temaer som inntektsulikhet, sosiale ulikheter, ulikheter i helse, politisk ulikhet og omfordelingspolitikk. Renira har også bakgrunn i helseøkonomi og er interessert i økonomiske evalueringer av randomiserte kontrollerte studier (RCT) og ulike politiske tiltak/reformer. Metodisk jobber Renira hovedsakelig kvantitativt (økonometri) med eksperimentell og kvasi-eksperimentell forskningsdesign.

Vitenskapelige arbeider er blant annet publisert i Socio-Economic Review, Health Economics Review, BMC Health Services

Artikler under fagfellevurdering:

Berge, L. I. Angeles, R. C. and Husebø, B. et al. Effectiveness of a multicomponent intervention on caregiver burden and informal care time in dyads of home-dwelling people with dementia and their caregivers. The 24-month stepped-wedge single randomized LIVE@Home.Path trial. The Lancet Healthy Longevity


Renira Corinne Angeles has a Master of Science (MSc) in political economy and a doctoral degree (PhD) in Political Science with specialization in comparative political economy. During her PhD, she held visiting PhD researcher positions at University of Amsterdam, Department of Political Science, and London School of Economics and Political Science, European Institute.

Research interests involves economic inequality, social- and health inequality, politics of redistribution, econometrics, and quantitative research methods. Renira also obstain a background in health economics, and thus interested in economic evaluation of randomized trials (RCT) and political reforms.

Scientific work is published in Socio-Economic Review, Health Economics Review, BMC Health Services

Journal articles under review:

Berge, L. I. Angeles, R. C. and Husebø, B. et al. Effectiveness of a multicomponent intervention on caregiver burden and informal care time in dyads of home-dwelling people with dementia and their caregivers. The 24-month stepped-wedge single randomized LIVE@Home.Path trial. The Lancet Healthy Longevity

Renira Corinne Angeles


Health & Social Sciences

Research Groups

Health Services and Health Economics

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