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Mads Fromreide


+47 980 55 451
Jon Lilletuns vei 9 H, 3. et, 4879 Grimstad

I am a researcher in the group for Modelling and simulation at NORCE Technology, where I use mathematical models and analysis to better understand and improve industrial processes.

I have worked at NORCE since I finished my master’s degree in physics at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in 2014. Through a NORCE lead research project I am working towards a PhD in applied mathematics at the University of Santiago de Compostela. In my PhD project I study the electrical conditions in large smelting furnaces for metal production. I apply analysis of simplified mathematical models to gain insight in fundamental mechanisms and relations, in addition to solving more industrial like furnace models numerically.

The focus of my research is to understand and describe complex industrial processes with mathematics or statistical analysis of measured data. On this basis, mathematical models or digital twins can be defined and used as input or control for the end-user. I have mainly been working within the metallurgical process industry, but I have also worked with many other industries on topics such as energy systems, measurements, and uncertainty analysis. I work with both commercial software like Comsol Multiphysics and with self-developed algorithms and applications.

Mads Fromreide


Energy & Technology

Research Groups

Modelling and Simulation

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