Kamrul Islam
Research Professor
+47 56 10 76 15
Nygårdsgaten 112, 5008 Bergen, Norway
Health & Social Sciences
Research Groups
Health Services and Health Economics
More information about Kamrul
Academic articleThe chronically ill in the labour market – are they hierarchically sorted by education?– International Journal for Equity in Health 2024
Academic articleWorker and workplace determinants of employment exit: A register study– BMJ Open 2024
Academic articleUser perspectives on the role of local services in promoting labor market participation of people with chronic illnesses– Disability & Society 2024
Conference lectureLabour market outcomes for people with common mental disorders-Does continuity of general practitioner (GP) care matter?– International Health Economics Association (IHEA) Congress 2023
Conference lectureContinuity in general practitioner (GP) care and labour market performances for people with common mental disorders– ISP-Conference 2023
Conference lectureParental health shocks and child educational outcomes– ACE Project Workshop 2022
Conference lectureCommon psychological Illness: Does Continuity of GP-care matter for patients' labour market outcomes?– ISP-Conference 2022 2022
Conference lectureEmployment Prospects of the Chronically Ill—Quantifying the ‘Shielding Effect’ of Education– Nordic Health Economists Study Group (NHESG) meeting 2022
Academic articleImproved survival of non-small cell lung cancer patients after introducing patient navigation: A retrospective cohort study with propensity score weighted historic control– PLOS ONE 2022
Academic literature reviewA cross-sector systematic review and synthesis of knowledge on telemedicine interventions in chronic wound management—Implications from a system perspective– International Wound Journal 2022
Conference lectureGode pasientforløp– Kunnskapskommunens konferanse 2022
Academic literature reviewPromoting labour market inclusion of the chronically ill: a scoping review of Scandinavian countries’ efforts– Scandinavian Journal of Public Health 2022
Academic articleValue-based person-centred integrated care for frail elderly living at home: a quasi-experimental evaluation using multicriteria decision analysis– BMJ Open 2022
Academic literature reviewIntegrated care for multimorbidity population in Asian countries: A scoping review– International Journal of Integrated Care (IJIC) 2022
Conference lectureMental Illness and Labor Market Outcomes– ISP conference 2021
Academic articleEvaluating an integrated care pathway for frail elderly patients in Norway using multi-criteria decision analysis– BMC Health Services Research 2021
Conference lectureLabour market participation of the chronically ill: Does education make any difference?– H E L S E Ø K O N O M I S E M I N A R E T 2021
Academic articleEvaluating Complex Health and Social Care Program Using Multi-criteria Decision Analysis: A Case Study of “Better Together in Amsterdam North”– Value in Health 2021
Academic articleComparing two interdisciplinary occupational rehabilitation programs for employees on sick leave: a mixed-method design study protocol– BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 2021
Academic articleComparing patients’ and other stakeholders’ preferences for outcomes of integrated care for multimorbidity: a discrete choice experiment in eight European countries– BMJ Open 2020
Academic articleSkill mix and patient outcomes: A multi-country analysis of heart disease and breast cancer patients– Health Policy 2020
Conference lectureLabor market trajectories of people with chronic conditions: the relations between local services provision and labor market participation.– ISP Project Kick off meeting 2020
Academic articleHealth-related quality of life of long-term patients receiving opioid agonist therapy: a nested prospective cohort study in Norway– Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy 2020
Academic articleEvaluation of integrated care services in Catalonia: population-based and service-based real-life deployment protocols– BMC Health Services Research 2019
Conference lectureMCDA results on Integrated Care Programme in Norway: Learning Network– SELFIE Steering Committee Meeting 2019
Conference lectureGeneral discussion on analytical and costing issues in WP5– SELFIE Steering Committee Meeting 2019
Conference lecturePatient Pathways, Multi-Morbidity and 30-day Survival Rates – The Norwegian Coordination Reform Revisited– Nordic Health Economic Study Group (NHESG) 2019 2019
Academic articleCost-analysis of virtual reality training based on the Virtual Reality for Upper Extremity in Subacute stroke (VIRTUES) trial– International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care 2019
Academic articleCo-ordination of health care: the case of hospital emergency admissions– European Journal of Health Economics 2018
Conference lectureSELFIE WP5–MCDA of Integrated Care Programme: Learning Network, Norway: Preliminary Results– SELFIE Steering Committee Meeting, Berlin, Germany 2018
Academic articleWhat are the motivating and hindering factors for health professionals to undertake new roles in hospitals? A study among physicians, nurses and managers looking at breast cancer and acute myocardial infarction care in nine countries– Health Policy 2018
Academic articleNew professional roles and patient satisfaction: Evidence from a European survey along three clinical pathways– Health Policy 2018
Conference lectureHELSEVEL funding application: Discussion on the issues concerning quantitative study designs– Gruppeseminartur for Helse- og velferdsgruppen, Krakow 2018
Conference lectureQuasi-experimental studies and natural experiments to evaluate the performance– 12th European Conference on Health Economics (EuHEC) 2018, Maastricht 2018
Conference lectureIncentive within primary care and the effects on health for multimorbid patients in Norway– 12th European Conference on Health Economics (EuHEC) 2018, Maastricht 2018
Conference lectureSELFIE WP3 Financing Workshop: Coordination reform, Healthcare use and Health in Norway– SELFIE Steering Committee Meeting. Budapest 2018
Conference lectureSELFIE WP5- Example Statistical Analysis– SELFIE Steering Committee Meeting. Budapest 2018
Academic articleStrengthening the evidence-base of integrated care for people with multi-morbidity in Europe using Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA)– BMC Health Services Research 2018
Academic chapterSocial capital and types of illness: where is it most effective?– 2018
Academic chapterWorkplace social capital and sickness absence– 2018
Academic chapterHistory of social capital and health– 2018
Academic articleSocial capital and cigarette smoking: New empirics featuring the Norwegian HUNT data– Economics and Human Biology 2017
Academic articleThe impact on practice, outcomes and costs of new roles for health professionals: a study protocol for MUNROS– BMJ Open 2016
Conference lectureSustainable intEgrated care modeLs for multi-morbidity: delivery, FInancing and performancE (SELFI) workshop– SELFIE Meeting in Manchester 2016
Conference lectureWorplace Social capital and Sickness Absence– Welfare and Health Economics Group Meeting 2016
Conference lectureDoes Emergency Bed Capacity in Primary Care Effect Emergency Hospital Admissions?– European Health Economics Conference, Hamburg 2016
Conference lectureNew Professional Roles: Processes, Productivity and Health Outcomes– MUNROS special General Assembly (GA) 2016
Academic articleThe Ambiguous Effect of GP Competition: The Case of Hospital Admissions– Health Economics 2016
Conference lectureCoordination Reform and Hospital Emergency Admissions in Norway: Results from a Quasi-Experiment– EVASAM Workshop 2015
Conference lectureWorkplace Social Capital, Life Style and Sickness Absence– International Health Economic Association (iHEA) World Cogress 2015
Conference lectureNew Professional Roles: Processes, Productivity and Health Outcomes– International Health Economic Association (iHEA) World Cogress 2015
Conference lectureUnderstanding Outcomes part 2: Process and Productivity indicators and Clinical Effect (WP 7)– MUNROS General assembly (GA) 2015
Academic chapterHow Do We Invest in Social Capital? An Exploration of an Economic Model of Social Capital and Health– 2014
Academic articleSickness absence among immigrants in Norway: Does occupational disparity matter?– European Sociological Review 2014
Academic articleInterdependency between social care and hospital care: the case of hospital length of stay– European Journal of Public Health 2013
Conference lectureEconomic Evaluation of Health Care– Taught Health Economics (a part of Musculoskeletal disorders FYST333 course), UiB 2013
Conference lecturePrimary Care Physician Capacity and Hospital Admissions– 9th International Health Economics Association’s (iHEA) World Congress 2013
Conference lectureCapacity of Primary Physician practices and hospital admissions– HEB-HERO workshop 2013
Academic articleBetween two beds: inappropriately delayed discharges from hospitals– International Journal of Health Care Finance and Economics 2013
Conference lectureHospitals’ Bed Blocking by Elderly Patients: Do Social Care Resources Matter?– European Conference on Health Economics 2012 2012
Conference lectureMidterm Reviewer/Evaluator of a PhD project titled “Patient flow and health care costs in secondary care - A study of hospitals and ambulances”– The halfway evaluation of a PHD student Fredrik Alexander Gregerse, University of Oslo 2012
Conference lectureThe Social Capital and Health Hypothesis: A Theory and New Empirics Featuring the Norwegian HUNT Data– Annual Research Group Workshop 2011
Conference lectureHvordan påvirker sosial kapital sykdommer folk får? Presenter: Oddvar Kaarbøe– Nasjonale Helseøkonomikonferansen 2011 2011
Conference lectureDiscussant on the paper entitled "Longitudinal Analysis of Generic Substitution" presented by Steinar Strøm– HEB-HERO Workshop in Health Economics 2011
Conference lectureDiscussant on the paper entitled “Do hospitals respond to prices? Evidence from Norway” presented by Jurgita Januleviciute– Rokkansenterets doktordag 2011 2011
Conference lectureLong Term Care Services and Hospital Length of Stay in Norway: A Quantile Regression Analysis– 10th Annual International Conference on Health Economics, Management & Policy, Athens 2011
Research reportTeachers' sickness absence in primary schools: A panel data multilevel analysis– Department of Economics 2010
Conference lectureDiscussant on the paper entitled "Social Capital and Health of Older Europeans" by Nicolas Sirven– Social Capital and Health Global Network III Workshop 2010
Conference lectureJob and Sickness Absence among Immigrants in Norway– Health, work and society, multi-disciplinary studies of determinants of sickness absence and disability. Forskerseminar 2010
Conference lectureThe social capital and health hypothesis: An integrating theory and new empirics– Research Seminar 2010
Conference lectureTeachers' sickness absence in primary schools: A panel data multilevel analysis– 31st Nordic Health Economists Study Group (NHESG) meeting 2010
Academic articleDoes variation in general practitioner (GP) practice matter for the length of sick leave? A multilevel analysis based on Norwegian GP-patient data– Social Science and Medicine 2010
Academic articleDoes income-related health inequality change as the population ages? Evidence from Swedish panel data– Health Economics 2010
Academic articleDoes income-related health inequality change as the population ages? Evidence from Swedish panel data– Health Economics 2009
Research reportEconomic Effects of the Municipality Occupational Therapy Services in Norway– HEB WP nr. 15/09 2009
Conference lectureDoes variation in GP practice matter for the length of sick leave? A multilevel analysis– HEB seminar 2009
Conference lectureDoes variation in GP practice really matter for the length of sickness absenteeism? A multilevel analysis based on Norwegian GP—patient data– iHEA 7th World Congress on Health Economics 2009
Conference lectureVariation in sickness absenteeism between the primary school teachers' in Norway: A panel data multilevel analysis– ESPE 2009 2009
Academic articleSocial capital externalities and mortality in Sweden– Economics and Human Biology 2008
Research reportDoes variation in GP practice matter for the length of sickness absenteeism? A multilevel analysis based on Norwegian GP--patient data– Universitetet i Bergen 2008
Academic articleDoes it really matter where you live? A panel data multilevel analysis of Swedish municipality level social capital on individual health-related quality of life– Health Economics, Policy and Law 2006
Academic articleSocial capital and health: Does egalitarianism matter? A literature review– International Journal for Equity in Health 2006
Research reportThe costs of maternal–newborn illness and mortality– World Health Organization 2006
Academic articleFormal and informal care for people with Dementia: variation in costs over time– Ageing & Society 2003
Academic articleFormal and informal care for people with Dementia: Factors associated with service receipt– Aging & Mental Health 2002