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Ellen Nordgård-Hansen

Senior Researcher

+47 992 55 486
Jon Lilletuns vei 9 H, 3. et, 4879 Grimstad

Senior researcher in NORCE Energy & Technology working with modelling, control, optimization, and programming. As a senior researcher, Nordgård-Hansen is responsible for executing, lead, and generate projects.

Nordgård-Hansen is a doctor in physical chemistry with a thesis on aluminium electrolysis, and she holds an M.Sc. in physical chemistry with a thesis on salt melt phase diagrams.

Through her more than 25 years experience, Nordgård-Hansen has managed multiple industry projects and Regional Research Fund projects. She has also used her background to contribute within various domains, such as

  • Hydropower (control of the waterfalls Vøringsfossen and Østre Mardalsfoss)
  • Offshore wind turbines (condition monitoring of fibre ropes for cranes or mooring)
  • Metallurgy (aluminium electrolysis, silicon refining, and roasting furnaces)
  • Process industry (PVC production, plastic hose production and plastic fibre production)
  • Maritime systems (motor sailing and control of cushion pressure in SES vessels)
  • Buildings (air quality and combination of solar, borehole thermal energy, and batteries)
  • Quality control of meat and grains (NIR calibration)
Ellen Nordgård-Hansen


Energy & Technology

Research themes

Energy systems

Research Groups

Modelling and Simulation

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