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Dorinde Kleinegris

Senior Researcher

+47 56 10 74 22
Thormøhlensgate 53A&B, 5006 Bergen, Norway

Dr. Dorinde Kleinegris is Principal Investigator Microalgae at NORCE and has a secondary position at the University of Bergen as Associate Professor in Marine Biotechnology since early 2021.

DK has a background in bioprocess engineering, with a special focus on microalgae. She obtained her PhD at the Bioprocess Engineering group of Wageningen University in 2010 on "The milking of microalgae revisited". After a short post-doc position at the same group (2010), she moved to the research institute Food & Biobased Research, part of Wageningen UR. Here she was subsequently researcher microalgae from 2011 – 2014, and senior researcher and team leader microalgae from 2015 – 2017. In 2017, she became Principal Investigator microalgae at Uni Research AS (since 01.10.2018 NORCE Norwegian Research Centre AS), within the Marine Biotechnology group.

The research of Dr. Kleinegris focusses on microalgae strain selection and improvement, cultivation and process design, as well as techno-economic and life cycle assessment studies of the microalgae production chain. Next to scientific participation and supervision in projects, she has strong background in project management, both of EU and national projects as well as bilateral projects with industry. She has published >25 refereed manuscripts.

Dorinde Kleinegris


Climate & Environment

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Marine Biotechnology

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