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I am a molecular biologist with a passion for leveraging biotechnology to address challenges in life sciences.
Currently, I am working to contribute to the DARWIN project (, an EU-funded initiative focused on advancing detection methods for plant-based New Genomic Technique (NGT) products to foster the transition to a more sustainable and fair food system.
Previously, I worked extensively in molecular plant pathology. My master’s thesis involved developing a gene-editing protocol to knock out genes in Alternaria solani, the early blight pathogen in potatoes. My PhD research focused on Phytophthora cactorum, the crown rot pathogen of strawberry, where I identified defense-triggering effectors of P. cactorum in a model host, characterized a candidate resistance protein from strawberry against P. cactorum, and developed an efficient in vitro assay for proteomics study of P. cactorum. Following my PhD, I received a grant to work as a guest researcher at the University of Pau and the Pays de l'Adour (UPPA) where I studied genetic variation in different strains of the beneficial mycoparasite Pythium oligandrum.
Academic profile:
Masters (2016-2018): Erasmus Mundus Master’s Degree in PlantHealth
(Major: Biotechnology in Plant Protection)
First year: University of Göttingen, Germany
Second year: University of Padova, Italy
Internship and thesis: Wageningen University & Research, Netherlands
PhD (2019-2023): PhD in Plant Sciences (Genetics and Molecular Biology)
Norwegian University of Life Sciences – NMBU
Guest researcher (2024): University of Pau and Pays de l'Adour, France
Awards and Grants:
- Research and Training Grant, Norwegian Society for Microbiology (2024)
- Travel Grant, CPSC Conference, Copenhagen (2024)
- Early Career Researcher Grant, Green ERA-Hub (2024)
- EU Horizon 2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellowship (2019 – 2022)
- Erasmus Mundus Scholarship by the European Commission (2016 – 2018)